

  • Widowed Mother of Five Shot By Militants

    On April 13th, members of the Al Shabaab militant group ended the life of 42-year-old Fartun Omar, a Christian mother of five in Beledweyne, Somalia. Fartun's husband Siad, who was also a believer, had been previously killed by gunmen on December 8th, 2012, for converting from Islam.

    According to reports, the militants were searching for Fartun for several months because they were opposed to her quiet Christian faith, which she tried to keep discrete in this hostile environment. It was while attempting to flee the city that this mother of five had been captured and then mercilessly shot to death. To view other reports on Somalia, go to the Somalia Country Report.

    Please pray for Siad and Fartun's surviving children...that they would experience the comforting and loving presence of Jesus during this time of heartbreak and trauma. Despite the tragedy of suddenly losing both parents, may the Lord work out His good plans in each of their lives. Also pray that He will defeat the destructive plans of the Al Shabaab militants, bringing them to justice, repentance and salvation.

  • Islamic extremists behead another believer

    Islamic extremists belonging to the al Shabaab extremist group in Somalia beheaded a young Christian man just outside Mogadishu last month. Twenty-six-year-old Zakaria Hussein Omar, who had worked for a Christian humanitarian organization banned by al Shabaab, was murdered on January 2 in Cee-carfiid village. The body of the young man lay undiscovered for about 20 hours before nomads came upon his remains. A close friend who identified Omar's body said Omar had confided in him that he feared for his life when the organization he was working with was banned by the al Shabaab. Omar, an accountant, had converted to Christianity seven years ago while he was living in Ethiopia. He is survived by his wife, his parents, a brother and four sisters.

    Last September, militants also decapitated a young Christian man, Guled Jama Muktar, in his home near Mogadishu (for more, click here). Earlier that month, the terrorists beheaded a Christian convert, Juma Nuradin Kamil, in south-western Somalia (click here for more information).

    The Islamic extremists seek to impose a strict version of Shariah (Islamic law), ridding the country of Christianity. The country's president, Sheikh Sharif Sheik Ahmed, has embraced a version of Shariah that mandates the death penalty for those who leave Islam.

    Please pray that Omar's wife and family will find peace and rest in Christ. Please pray that the Lord will intercede against the violence facing our brothers and sisters in Somalia. Pray that the gospel will spread like never before in Somalia.

    Go to the Somalia Country Report for more on Somalia's suffering Church.

  • Extremists arrest man whose sons converted to Christianity

    On January 14, Somali Muslim extremists arrested a Muslim man after two of his teenage children converted to Christianity in Kismayo. The two teenage sons of Mo'alim Mohamud Aw-Omar converted to Christianity in late 2011. They fled their home following their conversion. Members of the radical Islamic group, al-Shabaab, accused Aw-Omar of "failing to raise his sons as good Muslims" because "good Muslims cannot convert to Christianity." Aw-Omar, who is still a Muslim, insisted that his sons had memorized the Qur'an, fasted and prayed regularly, and therefore he should not be accused of failing his duties.

    According to sources on the ground, the Islamists have refused to release Aw-Omar until his two sons return to Kismayo. This is unlikely to happen because the young men will be killed if they return. According to the strict interpretation of the Islamic law that al-Shabaab follows, leaving Islam is a crime punishable by death. Radical Islamists have killed a number of Christian converts in Somalia. This is the first confirmed case of a parent being arrested for the conversion of children.

    Please pray that Aw-Omar will also put his hope and trust in the Lord. Pray for his release. Pray the Lord will protect and provide for his two sons. Pray that Christians in Somalia will take up their cross, loving Christ more than anything or anyone else, even their families (Matthew 10:37-38). Pray believers will remain steadfast in their faith despite increasing persecution in Somalia.

    Go to the Somalia Country Report for more on Somalia's suffering Church.

  • Convert from Islam whipped in public

    Somali Muslim converts from Islam are harshly dealt with, like the
    Somali believer pictured here who was beaten in Kenya by Somalis.
    Photo: Compass Direct News

    A Somali convert from Islam was paraded before a cheering crowd recently and publicly flogged as a punishment for embracing a "foreign religion." Sofia Osman, a 28-year-old Christian from Janale city in Somalia's Lower Shabelle region, had been taken into custody by al Shabaab militants in November.

    The public whipping was meant to mark her release. She received 40 lashes on December 22 while jeered by spectators. "[Sofia] was whipped 40 lashes... but she didn't tell what other humiliations she had suffered while in the hands of the militants," an eyewitness said, adding that the whipping left her bleeding. "I saw her faint. I thought she had died, but soon she regained consciousness and her family took her away." The whipping was administered in front of hundreds of spectators after Sofia was released from her month-long custody in al Shabaab camps.

    In the days after the punishment while Sofia was nursing her injuries at her family's home, she would not talk to anyone and looked dazed, a source close in touch with the family said. "Please pray for her quick recovery," the source added.

    Pray the Lord will completely heal Sofia of all physical and emotional injuries. Ask the Lord to protect her from further harm. Pray that she will rest in the knowledge that the Good Shepherd walks with her through this difficult time (Psalm 23). Pray her faithful testimony will be used as a witness for the gospel. Pray for all Christians in Somalia.

    To learn more about persecution in Somalia, visit the Somalia Country Report.

  • Islamic extremists behead 17-year-old Christian

    Al Shabaab militants murdered a teenage boy on September 25 after monitoring Bible studies hosted by the boy's family near Mogadishu, says a journalist in the Somali capital. Islamic militants began watching the family of Guled Jama Muktar after the family arrived in the country from Kenya in 2008. "I personally know this family as Christians who used to have secret Bible meetings in their house," the source said. According to witnesses, al Shabaab members arrived at Guled's home at 6 a.m. while he was getting ready for school and his parents were already at work at an area market. "The neighbours heard screaming coming from the house, and then it immediately stopped," the source said. The neighbours informed the parents, who quickly returned home to bury their son fearing further violence. The family then fled.

    This latest killing is not an isolated occurrence. A mother of four was brutally killed for her Christian faith in January (for more, click here), a young Christian man was shot dead this past spring (click here for details), and a kidnapped Christian convert's decapitated body was found in September (read the story). Muslim extremists from al Shabaab, which has ties to al Qaeda, control the south and centre areas of the country. Al Shabaab has been designated a terrorist organization by several western governments.

    Please pray that the family of Guled would find peace and rest in the Lord and that their faith would remain strong despite this loss. Pray that al Shabaab would be thwarted in their efforts to harm and kill Christians and that God's love and protection would surround His faithful followers in Somalia. Pray for lasting peace in this war-torn nation.

    To learn more about persecution in Somalia, please visit the Somalia Country Report.

  • Christian convert beheaded

    A kidnapped Christian convert from Islam was found decapitated on September 2 on the outskirts of Hudur in Bakool region, in south-western Somalia. Juma Nuradin Kamil, who embraced Christianity about three years ago, was kidnapped on August 21 by three suspected Islamic extremists from the al Shabaab terrorist group. Muslim extremists from al Shabaab, a militant group with ties to al Qaeda, have vowed to rid Somalia of Christianity.

    Sources believe the kidnapping and subsequent manner of murder suggest that al Shabaab militants had been monitoring him. "It is usual for the al Shabaab to decapitate those they suspect to have embraced the Christian faith, or sympathisers of western ideals," a Christian leader said. "Our brother... was determined in his faith in God. We greatly miss him."

    Pray for Juma's family and the grieving Christian community. May they rest in the knowledge that the Good Shepherd walks with them through this difficult time. Ask the Lord to protect believers in Somalia and deliver them from harm. Pray that the perpetrators will repent and turn to Jesus Christ.

    For more on our suffering brothers and sisters in Somalia, go to the Somalia Country Report.

  • Christians persevere amid severe persecution

    In recent years, a number of Somali Christians have been martyred or publicly named as targets for execution in the country, where Islam is the national religion. With a mere 0.05 percent of the population known Christians, many believers have fled to neighbouring countries in fear for their lives. Nonetheless, new testimonies continue to affirm that many Somalis, including Muslim-background believers, are boldly embracing Christ, despite pressure, threats and violence.

    A Somali woman who has faced pressure from her Muslim family members since becoming a Christian five years ago recently reported that her husband and children have also left Islam for Christianity. Another Somali, a Muslim-background believer living in Southeast Asia, came to know Christ in recent months. "No matter what will happen to me I will sacrifice my life for Jesus," he said. "I hope you pray for me, whoever you are. I believe that you are my brother or sister in Christ and you will ask Jesus to take away the blindness and sufferings of my Somali people."

    Praise the Lord for these encouraging testimonies of Christ moving among the Somali people. Pray Somali believers will continue to set Christ apart as Lord without giving in to fear, always prepared to share Christ while living a holy life (1 Peter 3:14-17). Pray suffering Somali Christians will sense the encouragement and love of the various individuals standing with them in their plight.

    To find out more about the trials facing Somali Christians, go to the Somalia Country Report.

  • Christian convert from Islam murdered

    A newly converted Christian from Islam was recently murdered by Muslim militants in the Lower Shabele region of Somalia. On April 18, two members of the al Shabaab Islamist group entered the house of 21-year-old Hassan Adawe Adan in Shalambod town and shot him dead. Adan, single and living with his Muslim family, reportedly came to Christ several months ago. Members of the secret Christian community to which Adan belonged suspect someone informed the Islamic militants of his conversion. One source said that a relative who belonged to the al Shabaab Islamist group had told Adan's mother that he suspected her son was a Christian. The murder has heightened fear among other converts living in the area.

    Thank the Lord for the life and witness of Adan. Pray for comfort for all those who mourn his passing. Pray Somali Christians will continue to serve their Father faithfully and praise Him for the living hope of His Son's resurrection
    (1 Peter 1:3).

    You can find out more about the persecution of Christians in Somalia at theSomalia Country Report.

  • Islamic militants confiscate Christian farms

    Since January 19, members of Al-Shabaab, an Islamic Somali extremist group, have confiscated eight farms from Muslims who showed an interest in Christianity. Christian converts from Islam owned five of the farms and three belonged to Muslims who had attended Bible studies in the cities of Afgoye and Baidawa. Most of the landowners have fled their homes and remain in hiding. There are also unconfirmed reports of additional Christian farm seizures in Dinsor and Burhakaba districts. The confiscated lands were given to businesspersons who regularly donate to Al-Shabaab.

    The Islamic group has vowed to cleanse Somalia of any Christian influence. Since January 2009, Al-Shabaab militants have killed 23 Christians, most of whom were church leaders. Militants have also desecrated three Christian cemeteries in Mogadishu and destroyed a Christian library in the Luuq district. Despite intense persecution from Muslim radicals, the Somali Church has demonstrated remarkable growth.

    Pray the Lord will provide for those who have lost their land. May His provision be evidence of the Lord's goodness and mercy to those who have yet to put their hope in Christ. Pray the Lord will bring about significant change in the culture and attitudes in the leaders of this nation. Pray His Church will continue to grow in spite of the opposition.

    Find out more about the struggles facing Christians in Somalia by visiting theSomalia Country Report.

  • Christian killed

    A mother of four was recently killed by Islamic militants in a village on the outskirts of Mogadishu, Somalia. On the morning of January 6, Islamic militants belonging to the insurgent group al-Shabaab arrested Asha Mberwa, 36, outside her home in Warbhigly village. According to one of her relatives, Asha was killed the next evening when the militants cut her throat in front of local people. Asha had reportedly been receiving threatening messages after al-Shabaab members monitored her phone conversations with a relative. One of her relatives had phoned her on January 5 to make arrangements for moving her family out of the area for their safety. Al-Shabaab militants were reportedly able to monitor the conversation and confirm that Asha had become a Christian.

    Asha leaves behind four children -- ages 12, 8, 6 and 4 -- and her husband, Abdinazir Mohammed Hassan. Asha's relatives said that, at last report, Abdinazir had fled to an unknown location and a "good Samaritan" in Mogadishu was caring for the four traumatized children, who "continue to weep and cry out for their mother."

    Pray that all those in mourning for Asha will find peace in the everlasting love of the Lord. Pray for comfort and provision for her children. Pray for endurance of faith and boldness of witness for Somali Christians in an environment of severe persecution. Ask God to work in the hearts of those oppressing Christians in Somalia, convicting them of their unjust ways and drawing them into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.

    You can learn more about persecution facing Somali Christians atSomalia Country Report.