
Sri Lanka

  • Recipients Express Thankfulness
    Sri Lankan believers
    Sri Lankan Christians received materials to help them grow in their faith

    In mid-October, approximately 50 people gathered together at a 250-year-old historical church in Matara, a major city that's located along Sri Lanka's southern coast. There they received teaching materials designed to both encourage them in their relationship with the Lord and help them grow in their understanding of the Christian faith.

  • Church Forced to Stop Worship Services

    Sri Lanka map and flagOn the morning of February 10th, while the youth of Calvary Church in Morawaka were engaged in a prayer meeting, a police officer accompanied by approximately 30 villagers arrived at the church demanding that the youth stop their religious worship activities. The villagers then forcefully attempted to take away their Bibles.

    After being instructed to attend a meeting at the Morawaka Police Station that same day, the pastor's wife and two other congregants met with the Officer in Charge early in the afternoon. The officer instructed them to first register their place of worship with the local Divisional Secretariat, and then obtain a certificate of registration for submission to the police station. He further stated that, until such time, they should stop conducting religious worship activities.

    "According to Sri Lankan law," states a legal representative of NCEASL, "there is no legal requirement to register places of religious worship with the government." This incident follows a series of unwarranted attacks on various churches in Sri Lanka since January. To review a previous report on the destruction of a church that took place earlier this year due to persecution, click here.

    Prayerfully uphold the pastoral leaders of Calvary Church, and those legally representing them, as they meet with governing authorities regarding the worship services. May the Holy Spirit serve as their Advocate during the mediation process, granting them wisdom, the appropriate words to speak, as well as the ability to rejoice in trial (Mark 13:11; Romans 15:13). Also pray for the young people who were unfairly interrupted during their prayer gathering, asking the Lord to strengthen their spiritual resolve and fervency in prayer -- further impacting the ministry of the church and its vital outreach in the community.

  • Church Continues Despite Disaster

    lk church burned wwm
    The Kithu Sevana prayer centre that was destroyed.
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    The leader of a Sri Lankan church destroyed by a mob earlier this month has vowed that the church will continue to meet. Kamal Wasantha, leader of the Kithu Sevana Prayer Centre, states: "No attack can stop us. We shall continue to meet and pray under a tree." Despite the attack leaving the Christian community of 15 families and 20 other worshippers nowhere to meet, they have no desire for revenge. "(We) shall not attack them in retaliation," he adds. "Judgement belongs to God."

    On January 5th, a group of people, allegedly led by a Buddhist monk, attacked the church in Paharaiya, northwestern Sri Lanka. "First, they threatened us verbally," Kamal explains. "Then they came with wooden sticks, iron bars and knives, and destroyed everything. (People) begged the attackers not to damage the place of worship."

    Four days prior to the attack, a Buddhist monk from Gothamiramaya reportedly threatened them with "serious punishment" if they continued to lead worship at the church. A complaint was filed with the police by the leaders of the church and warnings were given to others in the Christian community. Then on January 5th, two of the church leaders and the monk were summoned to the police station. Ironically, the attack happened that same night. About 200 witnesses named the monk and 12 other people as the attackers. The accused perpetrators of the crime remain free on bail.

    The church was growing quickly and, with all its members being from other faiths, this attracted the attention of those in the village who do not tolerate Buddhists changing their religion to Christianity. Kamal, himself a Buddhist convert, says he "cannot abandon (this) mission just because of the attacks."

  • Village Christians Granted Freedom to Worship

    Buddhist monk in Sri Lanka
    Photo: Flickr / César González Palomo (cc)

    On July 16th, while Sunday School classes were in progress, 12 members of the Young Men's Buddhist Association arrived at a church to proclaim that the children should not be taught Christianity in a Buddhist village. They also claimed that the pastor and his ministry workers were unethically and forcibly converting the residents of the village.

    While the worship service was in progress, about 30 villagers and two Buddhist monks gathered around the church premises. A few members of the group joined the monks as they entered the church and falsely accused the pastor of unethically converting people. They demanded that the pastor and his congregation stop their worship activities immediately and leave the village. They also threatened violence if the pastor and members of the church did not comply.

    Following the incident, the pastor and a ministry worker went to the area police station to present a complaint. At this point, they were initially refused but were asked to return when the officer-in-charge was present. The next morning, when two pastors and a ministry worker arrived at the police station for an inquiry with a sub-inspector, the senior Buddhist monk from the village temple and two other villagers were also present. The monk said Christians should not be allowed to practice their faith in the village, including reading their Bibles and praying in their own homes.

    In an unexpected act of freedom and enforcement of current laws, the sub-inspector stated that all citizens are guaranteed the right to religious freedom in the constitution. Let us praise the Lord for the sub-inspector's diplomatic stance and for granting these Christians the freedom to worship!

  • Mob Obstructs Burial of Deceased Christian

    A village in Sri Lanka.
    Photo: Flickr / Adam Jones

    On October 16th, 2015, a mob of around 300 villagers in a remote area of Sri Lanka prevented a Christian family from performing a burial service at a public cemetery, declaring that the burial could only take place according to Hindu rituals. Unable to bury the body at the public cemetery, the pastor attempted to perform the burial on church grounds instead. The mob then entered the church premises by force, breaking the fence and setting fire to two motorbikes that were parked on the property. After the police obtained an order from the Magistrates Court, the family was forced to bury the body of their loved one outside the village at a cemetery 23 kilometres away.

    Small crimes against Christian believers in Sri Lanka are not uncommon. Over the past three months, there have been reports of multiple incidences committed against believers, pastors, and their congregations. Those of the Kagelle District have been especially targeted. Three pastors and their congregations, in particular, have experienced strong opposition from neighbouring militants. They have been insulted verbally, had their properties burned, and undergone severe pressure to close their church doors.

    In one incident, a sub-inspector from the area police station approached a pastor on his church premises and demanded to see the church's registration. The pastor, who has been ministering in the area for the past 18 years, never received any notification of required registration. According to the country's legal representatives, there is no such law regarding the registration of religious worship places in Sri Lanka. For previous reports on persecution in this country, please click here.

    Let us lift our voices in prayer on behalf of these targeted Christian believers in Kagelle and other areas of Sri Lanka. As a result, may they be greatly encouraged and strengthened, knowing that they are being upheld in prayer and supported by their brothers and sisters in Christ. May they also be reminded of God's promise that though they are persecuted, they are not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed (2 Cor. 4:9). Pray for God's protection over their lives and for His intervention to take place in each of these situations. And as they boldly proclaim Jesus as Saviour and Lord, may those opposing them experience His loving kindness, mercy and salvation.

  • Officials Halt the Progress of Religious Activities
    Pray for the safety of churches
    and their members in Sri Lanka.

    VOM Canada recently received numerous incident reports from Sri Lanka outlining concerns involving two churches. On July 21st, Divisional Secretariat Officials went to investigate a church during the pastor's absence, taking pictures and refusing to answer the caretaker's questions regarding who they were and the purpose of their visit. The officials then threatened the church members, stating that the continuance of their religious worship would result in them being taken to local police. The following day, a couple of congregation members had inquired at the Divisional Secretariat's office about the incident, only to be threatened again if they did not comply with instruction.

    A separate incident took place on July 4th, this time involving a church in Padukka of Colombo District. During the pastor's early-morning prayer time, an unwelcomed stranger entered his home. Using derogatory language, the intruder threatened him, demanding that he leave the village. The following day, the pastor witnessed a group of individuals armed with stones for the purpose of destroying the church. However, they quickly dispersed upon realizing that the pastor had observed them. Later that same morning, while the worship service was in progress, a mob consisting of about 50 villagers arrived on the scene, commanding the pastor to step outside. After shouting insults, threats, and demands to have the church halt all worship activities, the mob was confronted by police officers who attempted to diffuse the situation. After the incident, the pastor was advised to be present on July 6th at the police station.

    Accompanied by his lawyer for the police meeting, the pastor discussed the situation with the officer-in-charge, who happened to be a Buddhist monk. After hearing a few villagers present false testimonies, the officer ordered the pastor to discontinue all worship services immediately. When the pastor referenced his fundamental rights under the Sri Lankan Constitution, the police filed an official complaint claiming the church as an unlawful place of worship within their Buddhist village. (Other reports and informative video clips can be viewed here.)

    Let's unite our hearts in unceasing prayer for believers who are being persecuted for their faith, thanking God for what He is accomplishing in the lives of many in Sri Lanka and around the world, despite the threats of those in opposition. May His people be encouraged, strengthened and equipped by the promises in Scripture -- the Sword of the Spirit -- knowing that He is watching over His Word to perform it (Ephesians 6:17; Jeremiah 1:12). Pray that these Christians will have a greater awareness of the Lord's presence, protection and love; and that there be an increase and overflow of this authentic love demonstrated through their lives. May they not only overcome the strategies of the enemy, but also serve as effective witnesses to those in need of eternal salvation and deliverance from spiritual captivity.

  • Pastor Abducted After Receiving Fake Plea for Prayer
    An outdoor church structure in Sri Lanka.

    A pastor from a local district in Sri Lanka was abducted and assaulted by someone who duped him into believing a sick relative was in need of prayer. After being persuaded to follow a man who requested a pastoral visit for his allegedly ailing mother, the innocent pastor was driven to a nearby Buddhist worship site. During this time, the kidnapper made threats on his life if he didn't kneel and request the forgiveness of the opposing religious leaders. However, since the site was occupied when the men arrived, the kidnapper and his accomplice drove the pastor to an isolated area instead where they threatened to destroy his church unless he closed it down. The pastor was then beaten by the assailants and left abandoned.

    Over the past two months, there have been several incidents in which Sri Lankan pastors have been harassed, assaulted and ordered to stop church activities. The rise of militant Buddhist nationalist groups in Sri Lanka during the past few years has intensified the persecution of Christians. To date, more than 250 churches have been destroyed or damaged in the sectarian violence. While the Sri Lankan constitution claims religious freedom for all, minority evangelical Christians (representing only about one percent of the population) have experienced violent persecution, as well as discrimination in employment and education. Previous news reports on persecution in Sri Lanka can be found at VOMC's country report.

    Please intercede on behalf of the victimized pastor and his church, requesting that this community of believers be shielded from any further threat of danger. In fact, may the Lord provide supernatural protection for all of Sri Lanka's pastoral leaders, as well as their families and congregants, especially those who are being targeted for boldly testifying of their faith. In addition, pray for an increased measure of faith, wisdom and guidance as these pastors continue to minister amid the mounting challenges in order that many others will experience God's love and salvation -- including those opposing them.

  • Pastor and Family Violently Attacked by Mob
    A village church structure in Sri Lanka

    On August 24th, the leader of a village in Batticaloa District visited a church during the Sunday worship service to inquire whether it was registered. Stating that he had received an anonymous letter of complaint regarding the church, the leader insisted that the pastor officially register. Several days later, the leader again contacted the pastor to warn him of serious consequences if he did not submit a registration letter. Later that night, the pastor received several anonymous calls requesting that he come to pray for sick individuals. However, as the calls were suspicious, he remained at home.

  • Taunted Christians Attacked by Mob
    Pray that many Buddhists will come to know Christ.

    A pastor and his family were attacked recently by an angry mob after filing a complaint with police on behalf of four Christians who were threatened at a prayer meeting held at their home. The four believers were confronted on May 11th by about 30 people who warned them that they would be assaulted if they came back to the village for future prayer meetings.

  • Pastor's Family Attacked for Christian Activities

    Pray that many Buddhists
    will come to know the Lord.
    Photo: Flickr / Stan Dalone & Miran Rijavec

    On the evening of February 16th, a mob of approximately 250 villagers led by 11 Buddhist monks stormed a pastor's property in Asgiriya, Kandy district, demanding that worship services at the site cease immediately. The monks belong to the hardline nationalist organization, "Bodu Bala Sena" (BBS), which means "Buddhist Strength Force."