
Sudanese Church of Christ

  • Church Property Ownership Results in Criminal Charges
    Christians in Sudan are in conflict with the Sudanese government over ownership of church property. - Photo: World Watch Monitor www.worldwatchmonitor.org
    Christians in Sudan are in conflict
    with the Sudanese government
    over ownership of church property.
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    Eight church leaders are facing criminal charges over a law that puts all church properties under the control of the government. These eight leaders of the Sudanese Church of Christ (SCOC) -- including its president, Ayouba Telyan -- were arrested in August 2017 after refusing to turn over control of their church's property to a government-appointed committee. Charges included criminal trespassing and illegal possession of property. For more information on the original ruling, go to this report.

  • Release of Church Properties and Bibles

    A Sudanese soldier is reading the Bible while holding a kalashnikov on his lap. - Photo: World Watch Monitor
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    On August 8th, a Sudanese court ruled that properties seized by the government must be returned to the Sudanese Church of Christ (see this page). Following up on that decision, ownership of 19 properties was officially handed back on September 24th.