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  • Pastor Killed While Praying

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    Sergei Besarab was on his knees praying and singing in the evening of January 12 when unidentified gunmen with automatic weapons rushed into the yard and shot him point blank through the window of the house of prayer. Besarab was pastor of a young church in the ancient city of Isfara in the mountains of northern Tajikistan. When his wife Tamara heard the shots from another room, she ran to his aid, but he was already dead. Robbery is being ruled out as a motive, as nothing was stolen in the attack. Reports indicate that the Baptist pastor was shot thirteen times. An investigation into the killing has been launched.

    According to a report from Forum 18 on January 14, Besarab had been in prison four times before coming to Christ. Since then, he has been very active in evangelistic work, raising the anger of some. Only a week before his death, the local newspaper, Nasimi Isfara, published an article critical of his ministry and pointing out his criminal past.

    Tajikistan is predominantly Muslim but the government is officially secular. In the last two years, authorities have taken action against non-registered religious communities, both Christian and Muslim, despite there being no legal requirement to register. The Isfara region is generally considered more devoutly Muslim than the rest of the country. The area has experienced a clampdown on some Islamic elements since the US-led "War on Terrorism" began. Three prisoners from Afghanistan, held by United States in Guantanamo Bay, were from the Isfara region. As part of a crackdown, more than twenty mosques have been closed down in the area, though critics claim it is an attempt to reduce the influence of the opposition Islamic Renaissance Party.

    Pray for Tamara and the members of this young church during this time of shock and grief.

  • Fined for Street Evangelism

     A Baptist Christian in Tajikistan, Andrei Reimer, has been fined the equivalent of $11.00 CDN, five times the minimum wage, for conducting religious meetings in a courtyard and for "talking to passers-by about God." Reimer lives in the suburbs of Khudzhand, the principal town in the northern region of Sogdi. According to a July 29 report from Forum 18, he was fined by the Chkalovsk district court when he refused to provide a written assurance that he would not repeat his preaching. If he does not pay the fine, he may face confiscation of property.

    Tajik law does not forbid street meetings or meeting in private homes. In spite of this, many people have faced charges for unregistered religious gatherings.

    Pray that Reimer and other Christians in Tajikistan will stand boldly for the Lord, in spite of this opposition, saying with Peter and John, "we cannot stop speaking about what we have seen and heard" (Acts 4:20 NASB).

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