

  • Police Foil Plot to Kill Priest

    On December 29, the police detained 22-year-old Murat Tabuk after thwarting his plot to murder a Turkish Orthodox priest, Father Ramazan Arkan (30), in the coastal resort of Antalya. According to a January 2 report from Compass Direct, the suspect told police that his plot was influenced by a Turkish television series that depicts Christians as terrorists and criminals who forcibly make converts. The attack came two weeks after an Italian priest was stabbed in western Turkey by a youth who also claimed his actions were inspired by the same television series.

    Tabuk had never met Father Arkan but phoned him twice in the days before the attack, asking him about Christianity. Arkan had invited Tabuk to meet with him at the St. Paul Centre on December 24. When Tabuk arrived, he refused to be frisked by security guards and left the premises.

    Thank the Lord for keeping Father Arkan safe from harm. Pray for continued protection for him and other Turkish believers as they serve Christ amidst opposition. Ask God to enable Turkish Christians to entrust themselves to Him so that they can do his will without hesitation (2 Timothy 1:7-12). Pray that Murat Tabuk will come to repentance and faith in Christ.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Turkey, go to theTurkey Country Report.

  • Priest Stabbed by Muslim

    An Italian priest, Father Adriano Franchini (65), was stabbed in the stomach by a 19-year-old Muslim man outside St. Anthony Church in the city of Izmir, Turkey on December 16. According to the Turkish newspaper "Hurriyet," Father Franchini and the assailant, Ramazan Bay, had a brief conversation after mass in which Bay expressed his interest in becoming a Christian. During the discussion, Bay suddenly became angry and stabbed Father Franchini. In his statement to the police, Bay reportedly said that his actions were influenced by an episode of a television program that depicts Christian missionaries as political "infiltrators" who pay poor families to convert to Christianity. Father Franchini is in stable condition.

    Ask God to give healing to Father Franchini. Pray that those who accuse Christians of forcible conversion will see that that the Gospel message is one of a free gift, not coercion. Pray for the salvation of Ramazan Bay.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Turkey, go to theTurkey Country Report.

  • Update on Trial in Turkey
    Christians murdered in April 2007
    Photos from
    Compass Direct
    The Turkish Interior Ministry has opened a judicial investigation into alleged collusion of public officials in the torture and murder of three Christians in Malatya, Turkey in April 2007. For a detailed report on this important trial, click here.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Turkey, go to theTurkey Country Report.
  • Trial Extended
    Hakan Tastan and Turan Topal
    Photo from
    Compass Direct

    The trial for two men accused of "insulting Turkishness" has been further extended when the judge granted prosecution demands for twelve more witnesses; something denied by a previous judge before he withdrew from hearing the case. According to a November 30 report from Compass Direct, defense attorneys see this decision as an attempt to simply drag out a case which has no credible evidence against the two Christians. For more information on the case, click here.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Turkey, go to theTurkey Country Report.

  • More Harassment for Christians
    Photo fromCompass Direct 

    Two Turkish Christians, Hakan Tastan and Turan Topal, have been on trial for "insulting Turkishness and Islam" for twenty months (click here for more details). During a June 24 hearing, a criminal court in Silviri requested a judicial review of one of three charges against them, according to a June 27 report from Compass Direct. The judge ordered the review due to the Turkish Parliament's amendment of article 301 of the Penal Code, which changed the wording from "insulting Turkishness" to "insulting the Turkish nation" and required that permission be obtained from the Ministry of Justice for someone to be charged under the article. The court will continue, however, to prosecute the men on the other two charges against them -- reviling Islam and compiling information files on private citizens. Also during the hearing, both teenage witnesses for the prosecution testified that they had neither met nor seen Tastan or Topal prior to court, contradicting the prosecution's claim that they had been given literature and invited to church by the Christians.

    For more information on persecution of Christians in Turkey, go to the Turkey Country Report.

  • Recent Updates from Turkey
    Photos fromCompass Direct
    Last week, The Voice of the Martyrs reported on the violent deaths of three Christians in a publishing house in Turkey (click here to read the story). This was the first known case of Christian martyrdom since Turkey became a republic. In the past week, more details have come to light. The alleged killers had recently pretended to become Christians in order to gain the trust of the believers before ambushing them. It appears that the men had been bound and tortured for more than two hours. One of the victims had more than 150 stab wounds. It appears their throats were slashed when the police arrived. Twelve suspects are facing charges for the brutal attack.

    Necati Aydin (35) left a wife and two small children. Ugur Yuksel (32) was single and had come to faith in Christ two years ago. Tilmann Geske, a German national, left a wife and three children. Continue to pray for these families as they grieve.

    Hakan Tastan and Turan Topal
    Photo from
    Compass Direct
    In October 2006, Hakan Tastan and Turan Topal were charged with "insulting Turkishness" for allegedly speaking against Islam (click here for more details). According to Middle East Concern, a third hearing was held on April 18 with only one of their three accusers present. The testimony given contained contradictions and appeared rehearsed. The judge has threatened to charge the police with contempt of court if the other accusers do not show up for the next hearing in July. Pray that the charges against Hakan and Turan will be dropped.

    For more information on persecution in Turkey,click here.

  • Attack on Bible Publisher
    Photos fromNTV

    The Voice of the Martyrs learned this morning that the bodies of three people, including a German, were found with their throats slit at the offices of "Zirve," a Turkish Bible publisher in the southeastern city of Malatya. The victims were found with their hands and feet bound. Two of the dead were reportedly employees of the publishing house. A fourth man died after jumping from the third floor. Police are investigating to determine whether he was one of the assailants. According to Reuters, four people were detained in connection with the attack. One other victim has reportedly been taken to hospital with stab wounds. An official from the publishing house, which also prints other Christian literature, told local television that they had received threats over its publications.

    Pray for those who are in hospital. Pray that God would comfort the families of those who have been killed. Pray for Turkish believers who are increasingly under attack.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Turkey,click here.

  • Recent Update from Turkey

    Strict security control at the men's court appearance was due to the recent assassination of journalist Hrant Dink.
    Photo from
    Compass Direct

    Hakan Tastan and Turan Topal, two Christians on trial in Turkey on charges of "insulting Turkishness" and inciting hatred against Islam (click here  for more details), had their second court appearance on January 29. The hearing was heavily secured and the two men were under heightened police protection. The strict security control was attributed to the recent assassination of prominent Armenian journalist Hrant Dink, who had been tried and convicted under the same restrictive law against freedom of speech under which Tastan and Topal were charged.

    During the hearing, one of the three accusers, Fatih Kose (23), took the witness stand for the first time. Kose testified about why he entered Topal's church and where and when he allegedly heard Tastan and Topal make "illegal" statements. However, the testimony was extremely contradictory. The next hearing is scheduled for April 18. Pray that the truth in this case will come out and that all charges against Topal and Tastan will be dropped.

    For more information on persecution of Christians in Turkey,click here.

  • Christians on Trial for Insulting Turkishness
    Hakan Tastan and Turan Topal
    Picture from
    Compass Direct

    Two Christians in Turkey are on trial on charges of "insulting Turkishness" and inciting hatred against Islam by allegedly trying to convert other Turks to Christianity. The two men, Hakan Tastan and Turan Topal, were charged on October 12 and the trial began on November 23. Both are accused of calling Islam a "primitive and fabricated" religion and saying that Turks will remain "barbarians" as long as they continue to practice Islam. Tastan and Topal deny these allegations. After the November 23 hearing, Tastan told the press, "We are being accused because we are Christians and because we have done missionary work."

    Pray that these men will rely on the Lord to give them the words to say when they stand before accusing authorities (Matthew 10:19). Ask that the charges against them will be dropped and that they will be released. Thank the Lord for their boldness of faith and pray that their passion for Christ will draw nonbelievers to Him.

    For more information on the challenges facing Christians in Turkey,click here.

  • Protestant Church Firebombed

    A group of unidentified assailants threw six Molotov cocktails at the Odemis Love Protestant Church on November 4 causing minor damage, according to a November 9 report from Compass Direct. The attack was the latest and most serious incident in the harassment the church has been suffering in recent days. According to Pastor Mehmet Sahin Coban, rocks had been thrown at the church building (where the Coban family also lived) nearly every night for the two weeks prior to the bombing.

    Coban had reported the earlier incidents to police but had been ignored. After the firebombing, however, authorities responded quickly and have begun investigations into the incident.

    Pray that Pastor Coban and his family will be safe and that they will not be fearful but trust God (Revelation 2:10). Ask that his congregation will continue to be able to meet together, regardless of persecution. Pray those who persecute them will come to see and know Christ as Lord.

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in Turkey,click here.