

  • VOM Canada Remembers the Lingering Legacy of Communism

    The 20th century was a long and painful struggle for the people of Ukraine, especially for those who refused to submit to the oppressive Soviet rule.  Christians of all denominations suffered terrible persecution at the hands of the communists during the seventy years of Soviet rule in Ukraine. Church buildings were ruined, burnt down, and profaned.  Priests and faithful, Orthodox, Catholics, Baptists, Pentecostals and others were shot, arrested and deported to the Siberian gulag; church communities were persecuted, confined to underground activities or entirely destroyed. Many died in exile. Despite the threat of imprisonment and fines, bishops continued to ordain new priests and pastors who faithfully served underground congregations.  In some cases, they literally worshipped in catacombs beneath the earth!  Even the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church (which functioned as a state church) were limited and suffered from infiltration by Soviet security organs. 

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