Link Charity Canada

Link Charity Canada is a non-share, federally incorporated organization directed and managed by member charities. It is empowered to issue charitable gift annuities, facilitate gifts of appreciated securities, hold insurance policies, manage endowments, and distribute benefits of RRSP and RRIF contracts on behalf of The Voice of the Martyrs.

By taking advantage of the attractive financial services offered by Link Charity Canada, you can further the work of The Voice of the Martyrs, while being a good steward of the financial resources that God has entrusted to you.

For more information about gift annuities and other services offered by Link Charity Canada, contact our office or visit Link Charity Canada online.

For Your Security

By submitting this information, you can be assured that we will not share it with anyone else and you will not receive any appeals or mailings which you do not specifically request.
All information is encrypted for your protection.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact us.

Giving to VOMC

The Voice of the Martyrs Canada provides a variety of options for you to give to the ministry.

Online Donations

You can securely donate online using MasterCard, Visa or American Express. You will be taken to a secure website where your donation will be processed.

Pre-Authorized Support Plan

VOM's Pre-authorized Support Plan is a safe and convenient method for busy people to regularly support the work of serving the Persecuted Church through the ministry of The Voice of the Martyrs. Through the Pre-authorized Support Plan, you can automatically send pre-approved donations that can be designated to projects that you want to support. By participating in the Pre-authorized Payment Plan you will:

1) SAVE TIME since you no longer have to remember to write a cheque and mail in your donation. Instead the gift is deducted directly from your bank account on the first day of each month or on the months you specify.

2) SAVE MONEY by not having to pay for postage. You also help The Voice of the Martyrs save money in postage and processing costs, thereby assuring that more of your gift goes directly to assisting persecuted Christians around the world.

3) GIVE WITH CONFIDENCE. You will know that your gift has arrived safely regardless of postal disruptions or mishandling. You will also know exactly how much you have given each month and for what project(s).

If you desire to receive a copy of the form with more information about VOM's Preauthorized Support Plan, you can contact us or click here to download a form in .pdf format (108 KB) (Adobe Acrobat Reader required)