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Ten Ways to Pray
for the Persecuted Church

  1. Pray our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ will sense God’s presence. Deuteronomy 31:6; Psalm 34:17-182.

  2. Pray they will feel connected to the greater body of Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:20,26

  3. Pray they will experience God’s comfort whenever family members are injured, imprisoned or even killed for their Christian witness. 2 Corinthians 1:3-5

  4. Pray they will have the grace to love and forgive their persecutors. Matthew 5:44

  5. Pray they will be protected and strengthened through the prayers of fellow believers around the world. Jude 20-25; Psalm 34:7

  6. Pray their ministry activities will remain undetected by authorities or others who wish to silence them. Acts 9:25

  7. Pray they will rejoice even in the midst of suffering. Acts 5:41

  8. Pray they will be refreshed through the study of God’s Word, and thus further encouraged to grow strong in their faith. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

  9. Pray they will have more opportunities to share the Gospel. Colossians 4:3

  10. Pray for the boldness necessary to make Christ known, and for God's wisdom and direction as they endeavour to do so. Philippians 1:14; James 1:5

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