Imprisoned Pastor Pens Worship Song

Andrew Brunson
Photo: Release International

Pastor Andrew Brunson is still behind bars in Turkey -- a year after he was initially arrested -- yet his faith remains strong. The American pastor faces four life sentences, based on allegations that he was involved in a plot to overthrow the Turkish government, even though he strongly denies these charges. (For more information on this case, click here.)

Even still, in the midst of intense persecution and pressure, Pastor Andrew has been inspired to write a worship song to our Heavenly Father. The following stanza reflects his unrelenting faith:

"You are worthy, worthy of my all.
This is my declaration in the darkest hour.
Jesus, the Faithful One who loves me, always good and true,
You made me Yours, You are worthy of my all.
I want to be found worthy to stand before You on that day,
With no regrets from cowardice, things left undone,
To hear you say, 'Well done, My faithful friend, now enter your reward.'
Jesus, my joy, You are the prize I'm running for...."

As Pastor Andrew continues to serve his sentence within the confinement of a prison cell, we pray that he will keep this song of worship in his heart while awaiting God's divine intervention. In the days ahead, may he and his wife Norine be constantly reminded that they are not forgotten by the Lord, nor by fellow believers who are rallying in prayer for his deliverance from imprisonment.

  • Current Ministry Project

    VOMC helps to equip Christians by providing biblical and discipleship resources.

    Project Funds: Equipping the Saints

  • Country Information

    83,593,483 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Turkish (70-75), Kurdish (19), other minorities (7-12)

    Religion (%)
    Islam (99.8), other (0.2)

    President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (2014)

    Government type
    Parliamentary republic

    Legal system
    Civil law system derived from various European continental legal systems

    Sources: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for Turkey

    Prayerfully uphold those who have had their churches and places of worship taken over by a government that does not represent their beliefs, values or ordinances. Ask the Lord to oversee the mediation process as church officials and government representatives endeavour to work out a solution that is both honouring to Him and fair to all the members of the various churches. Despite the challenges experienced by the believers of this country, may they have a sense of God's reassuring presence and peace, knowing that one day He will reign supremely and justly over the entire earth.

Türkiye News

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    The grounds of the church where the shooting took place.
    Santa Maria Catholic Church

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    Ninous Italiaee with his wife and child.
    Pastor Ninous Italiaee’s family before his detainment.
    Photo: Article18

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    Joy Subasiguller - Photo: Facebook / Joy Subasiguller
    Joy Subaşıgüller and her family
    Photo: Facebook / Joy Subaşıgüller

    Last year, at least thirty-five foreign Christian workers were expelled from Turkey, as their permits had been either revoked or denied renewal. So far this year, the number of those forced to leave the country has already reached sixteen. The latest of those workers are Joy Subaşıgüller and Pastor Zach Balon, both from the United States.

  • Teacher Dismissed for Social Media Posts
    Kusadasi, Turkey
    Kusadasi, Turkey
    Photo: Wikipedia / jpitha (c)

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