Trial Date Set for Accused Pastor

Pastor Brunson
Photo: World Watch Monitor

After many months' delay, it was recently announced that the trial for American pastor, Andrew Brunson, is to begin on April 16th. Pastor Brunson has been accused of being connected with a Muslim cleric living in exile in the U.S., Fethullah Gülen, as well as having links to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party that's been working to establish an independent Kurdistan. The indictment stated that Pastor Brunson was allegedly involved in converting Kurds to Christianity and aiming to establish a Kurdish state for them.

Pastor Brunson was originally arrested in October 2016 and has been held without bail since. If convicted, he could face up to 35 years in prison. There have been suggestions from Turkish President Erdogan that he would be interested in trading the imprisoned pastor for Gülen, who was accused of leading a failed coup attempt in 2016. However, without evidence against Gülen, the U.S would not be prepared to send him to Turkey.

The Voice of the Martyrs has been actively following the plight of Pastor Brunson. For other reports on this situation, go to our Turkey country report.

Lift up Pastor Brunson and his family to the Lord during this critical juncture, as legal representatives prepare for the upcoming trial which is to commence on April 16th. Pray that the courts will seek justice and the truth will be revealed. Further, please pray for the continuing ministry outreach to the people of Turkey, especially those who need to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ.

  • Current Ministry Project

    VOMC helps to equip Christians by providing biblical and discipleship resources.

    Project Funds: Equipping the Saints

  • Country Information

    83,593,483 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Turkish (70-75), Kurdish (19), other minorities (7-12)

    Religion (%)
    Islam (99.8), other (0.2)

    President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (2014)

    Government type
    Parliamentary republic

    Legal system
    Civil law system derived from various European continental legal systems

    Sources: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for Turkey

    Prayerfully uphold those who have had their churches and places of worship taken over by a government that does not represent their beliefs, values or ordinances. Ask the Lord to oversee the mediation process as church officials and government representatives endeavour to work out a solution that is both honouring to Him and fair to all the members of the various churches. Despite the challenges experienced by the believers of this country, may they have a sense of God's reassuring presence and peace, knowing that one day He will reign supremely and justly over the entire earth.

Türkiye News

  • Authorities Prevent Church from Obtaining Land
    A view from Diclekent Boulevard, Diyarbakir.
    Diyarbakir, Türkiye
    Photo: Wikimedia / chansey (cc)

    The Diyarbakir Protestant Church Foundation began with members gathering in a home more than 20 years ago. In 2019, the congregants moved into a dedicated church building and became a legally recognized organization. Over the years, the ministry has grown to encompass more than 100 people – a number far too large for the limited space of the premises where they are currently meeting. As a result, these believers have been seeking suitable land so they can build a larger facility that will better accommodate their growing needs. Unfortunately, their efforts to obtain a potential property have been continually ignored or turned down by governing officials.

  • Gunmen Attack Worship Service
    The grounds of the church where the shooting took place.
    Santa Maria Catholic Church

    On the morning of January 28th, two gunmen entered the Santa Maria Catholic Church in Istanbul, Türkiye. Wearing masks, the men walked into the church, shot into the air, and then killed one person. Security footage shows the gun apparently jamming just before the men left.

  • Asylum Seekers Face Deportation
    Ninous Italiaee with his wife and child.
    Pastor Ninous Italiaee’s family before his detainment.
    Photo: Article18

    In the wake of the recent devastating earthquake, the focus of the world lately has been on Türkiye and northern Syria where, at the time of composing this Persecution & Prayer Alert report, more than 20,000 people have died as a result of the catastrophe. In addition, tens of thousands of survivors have been left homeless amid the cold of winter. Reports from Christians in an affected area reveal the extensive suffering taking place due to the loss of loved ones and the tremendous need for surviving victims to receive blankets, food and other important necessities required to sustain life.