Registration Deadline Passes for Luhansk Churches

A sillhouette of a cross, a man praying and a church in the background - Photo: Pixabay / Geralt

Since rebels in the Luhansk region of eastern Ukraine declared independence in 2014, the self-declared government has oppressed religious groups in various ways. As part of their efforts to control the churches, the Luhansk State Security Ministry announced a complete ban on one Baptist denomination for not submitting to compulsory registration. For more information, click here.

On August 20th, the ministry announced a deadline of October 15th for all church groups to re-register or be declared illegal which entails the closure and seizure of their properties. In compliance, numerous religious communities filed the necessary papers for the re-registration and awaited news. As of the deadline, however, no Baptist, Seventh-Day Adventist, or Pentecostal community has been granted registration and many were denied. Catholic churches have not yet heard the results of their applications.

To avoid property seizure, Adventist communities have discontinued activities after their applications were all rejected. Other churches have continued to meet despite the imminent threat of closure. Some religious groups chose to not attempt the registration, believing it was futile under the current political environment. Continue to pray for Christians in Luhansk as they face these ongoing threats.

Ukraine News

  • Priest Fatally Tortured; Others Facing Deportation
    A large monastery with gold domesis set in a wooded area.
    An "Orthodox Church of Ukraine" monestary.
    Photo: Wikipedia / Rbrechko (cc)

    Members of the Russian occupation forces seized Father Stepan Podolchak on February 13th. The Christian leader had been serving as the abbot of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine in Kalanchak, a village located within the Russian-occupied Kherson Region. Taking him away with a bag over his head, the soldiers insisted that he go with them for questioning. Two days later, Father Stepan's battered body was found on the village street. Some reports state that he had also suffered a bullet wound to the head. 

  • Mysterious Disappearance of Imprisoned Church Leaders
    A church is behind an iron gate.
    A church in Melitopol
    Photo: Wikipedia / Олег Довгаль (cc)

    A recently published Persecution & Prayer Alert report had requested prayer for various churches that were forcibly closed in Russian-occupied regions of Ukraine. (To review the previously posted report, go to this page.) Further reports have since been released informing that other churches have faced similar trials.