Latipzhon Mamazhanov, a Christian believer who had been arrested and jailed for 16 days in Fergana, eastern Uzbekistan, was released on March 28th. Police illegally raided Latipzhon's home, and those of other Christians in Fergana, on March 12th while in search of religious literature.
Latipzhon was imprisoned in the region's Kuva District Police Detention Centre where up to seven inmates were put in a cell designed for two people. No sanitary and hygiene rules were followed, and food was only provided once a day. Latipzhon, along with other prisoners who insisted they were innocent of crime, were also tortured several times during their incarceration.
"They can keep one Bible in their homes," states Rustam Yegamberdiyev, head of Fergana City Criminal Police. "But if they keep more than one, then this means they are intending to gather others in their homes for illegal prayers and meetings." For VOMC's previously posted reports on Uzbekistan, including video documentaries, go to our online country report.
We must never take the freedoms we have to worship God and pray so freely in our homes and churches for granted, realizing the many challenges Christians in other parts of the world are facing for doing so. May this privilege be used wisely and fervently among the family of God in our nation as we intercede for His will to be accomplished. Thank you for joining us in praying for the protection of our brothers and sisters in Uzbekistan who are undergoing severe mistreatment by those governing over them. Ask the Lord to remind these persevering believers that, while they may be undergoing persecution from those opposing them, they are truly His beloved children. As their Heavenly Father, He is the One who governs their souls and eternal destiny.... May they have a heightened awareness of His everlasting love.