State Officials Interrupt Worship Service

Two steeples on a church

Worshippers at a Catholic church in Vu Ban, a rural district in northwestern Vietnam, were shocked when two governing officials rushed into the sanctuary on February 20th, interrupting a Sunday Mass being celebrated by the archbishop from Hanoi. Wearing helmets, the officials shouted loudly before taking the microphone and demanding that everyone disperse immediately, or "appropriate measures" would be taken. One of the officials was identified by witnesses as the head of the local branch of the Communist Party.

While the congregants continued to sing hymns, some of the priests and lay leaders managed to prevent the intruders from approaching the altar and nearing the archbishop. After several minutes, the church leaders were able to get the officials to leave so the service could conclude properly. It is unclear what the reasons were behind this disruption, and whether these men were under orders or simply acting on their own accord.

Vietnam remains a "country of particular concern" with the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom. While the nation's citizens are legally allowed to practise their religion, government persecution remains prevalent, particularly for unregistered groups. For more on the difficulties facing Vietnam's Christians, go to our country report.

Pray that the governing authorities of Vietnam would respect the religious freedom of all citizens. May those responsible for this incident be convicted of their oppressive actions of intimidation and come to realize the need to place their faith in God. Ask the Lord to provide needed encouragement and strength to Christians throughout Vietnam, as they seek to serve Him with all their hearts and courageously share the Good News of the Gospel.

  • Current Ministry Project

    By helping to provide solid Biblical teaching and training uniquely suited to the needs of a specific tribal group, VOMC is able to equip members of Vietnam’s persecuted church to stand firm in their faith and reach out to others in their communities with the powerful message of the Gospel.

    Project Fund: Underground Church

  • Country Information

    104,799,174 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Kinh [Viet] (85.3), Tay (1.9), Thai (1.9), Muong (1.5), Khmer (1.5), Mong (1.4), Nung (1.1), Hoa (1), others (5.5)

    Religion (%)
    Catholic (6.1), Buddhist (7.9), Protestant (1), Other (0.8) none (86.3%)

    President To Lam (May 2024)

    Government type
    Communist state

    Legal system
    Civil law system

    Source: CIA World Factbook

    Pray for Vietnam

    We can thank the Lord for the tremendous witnessing efforts and steadfast faith demonstrated by the persecuted Christians of Vietnam. May they not be intimidated by governmental stipulations but rather encouraged to stand firm on the promises of God – relying on Him for the wisdom, diplomacy and favour required to deal appropriately with the authorities. Pray for radical changes to take place in the hearts of the country’s leaders, especially those who are responsible for implementing and administering Vietnam's laws, so that the work of the Gospel will continue to thrive.

  • Pray for Vietnam
    We can thank the Lord for the tremendous witnessing efforts and steadfast faith demonstrated by the persecuted Christians of Vietnam. May they not be intimidated by governmental stipulations but rather encouraged to stand firm on the promises of God – relying on Him for the wisdom, diplomacy and favour required to deal appropriately with the authorities. Pray for radical changes to take place in the hearts of the country’s leaders, especially those who are responsible for implementing and administering Vietnam's laws, so that the work of the Gospel will continue to thrive.

Vietnam News

  • Location of 11 Christian Prisoners Unknown
    A prison is in an open area next to mountains in Vietnam.
    A prison in Vietnam
    Photo: VOMC

    Human rights organizations around the world are raising concerns about the fate of 11 Christian prisoners in Vietnam. The Christian men were all sentenced to prison at different times between 2011 and 2016. It has recently come to light that their whereabouts remain a mystery, and that the believers who should have completed their sentences by now were not yet released to return home.