Photo: Wikipedia / Vuong Tri Binh (cc)
With the release of Decree 95, which took effect on March 30th, Vietnamese governing officials declared that the new regulations they were instituting would ensure freedom of belief for all people within the country, enhancing the responsibilities of individual agencies and organizations. The decree expands on the "Law on Belief and Religion" that was implemented in 2018, which outlines additional policies and procedures regulating religious activities in Vietnam.
In the view of the country's spiritual leaders, however, the new decree has added regulations that will further restrict religious freedoms. Two of the most significant changes revolve around financial reporting and the rights of local officials to suspend religious activities for unspecified "serious violations."
The decree requires that all finances and in-kind goods be reported within 20 days of receipt. Yet this rule is impossible to follow for many religious communities, since they are often not registered due to the government's stringent registration criteria. As a result, the requirement to report income, as well as expenditures, may be onerous for many churches throughout the country.
A third of the policies presented in the Decree 95 document focus on suspending religious activities for various violations. Such infractions include "infringing on the morality of our indigenous culture" and "using religion for personal aggrandizement." The use of such vague terminology could allow local Communist authorities to shut down any group considered a threat to the authoritarian government in Vietnam.
For Christians in Vietnam, how the new rules will actually play out is yet to be seen, as not all religious regulations have been strictly enforced in the past. As one local church leader states, "In Vietnam everything is open; everything is negotiable." Despite the new regulations, Hien Vu from the Institute for Global Engagement is confident that the country's pastors and church leaders will remain steadfast and resilient. "They are used to these restrictions," he explains. "We'll deal with it when it comes; but we'll do whatever God calls us to do." For more reports on the challenges facing Christians in Vietnam, go to our country report.
On behalf of church leaders throughout Vietnam, pray that God will grant them wisdom as they deal with the outcome of the newly implemented regulations. May their ministries not in any way be thwarted by the potential challenges, but rather further thrive due to the help and guidance provided by our Heavenly Father. For believers who have been arrested or otherwise persecuted for their faith in Jesus, ask the Lord to impart to them His sustaining grace and strength so they will remain resilient amid opposition. Also, pray for the outpouring of God's Spirit upon the citizens of this country in general, leading all those who view Christianity as "a threat" to acknowledge their need for repentance and salvation through Christ.