COVID-19 and the Persecuted Church

Hand scooping rice out of a bag - Pixabay / I Laugh
Ask God to provide in areas where discrimination overrides people's needs.

As people around the world struggle to adapt to the global challenge of COVID-19, the burden is far greater for the downtrodden and oppressed. Below are some instances where Christians face increased difficulties because of their faith.

In an attempt to stem the spread of the virus, Indian authorities have ordered everyone to return to their home villages. For huge numbers of migrant labourers, this has left them without food or shelter. In slums where large families are packed together in small shelters, the concept of "social distancing" is impossible. Many of India's Christians are among the poorest segments of the population and may face further rejection because of their faith.

Similar problems are being experienced in refugee camps around the world, such as the case concerning Syrian and Iraqi refugees who are now in Lebanon. As world economies plummet, those on the peripheries are frequently neglected. Within the refugee camps, Christians are also frequently neglected when humanitarian aid is distributed.

In Pakistan, organizations have been providing food aid to those hit hard by the lockdown. However, on more than one occasion, when people show their identification to receive this provision, they have been refused unless they are Muslim.

On March 28th, two pastors in Nepal were falsely charged with holding worship services in contravention of isolation orders. In one case, the pastor was simply explaining to some of his members that they must leave when police barged in and arrested him, claiming he was holding a service. On the same day, another other pastor was conversing with others living on the church premises when police climbed over a locked gate and accused them of having a worship service.

As The Voice of the Martyrs Canada seeks to fulfill its mandate to meet the needs of Christians in the midst of such suffering, projects are being established to assist those who are being neglected. Present targets are centering on Christians in India and refugee camps in Lebanon. In a short video clip at, VOMC's CEO, Floyd Brobbel, explains some of the ways the ministry is endeavouring to meet these challenges. To view the full interview, go to

We covet your prayers in the midst of this ordeal. If you believe God is calling you to help by contributing towards these projects, you can give to our Relief & Development Fund.

Please remember the many around the world who are suffering from this disease, as well as the thousands who have lost loved ones as a result of infection. In addition, pray for Christians who are being denied humanitarian aid or medical treatment because of their faith in Christ. May God's healing, comfort and provision be made available to each one during these uncertain times.