Persecution & Prayer Alert

"Suffering in life can uncover
untold depths of character and
unknown strength for service....
Only deeply plowed earth
can yield bountiful harvests."

~ Evangelist Billy Graham (1918-2018)

In Love Not Fear

Photo: Full of Eyes

"For Such a Time as This...." I've been thinking a lot about this phrase in light of VOMC's so-named upcoming receptions. There are incredibly hot topics hitting the airwaves and cyberspace of North America today. Issues so volatile, one barely breaths the syllables in a soft whisper for fear of being labelled a bigot and hate monger.

How do we, as Christians, be that unique voice which stands on Scripture and says to a world bent on sin, "You're wrong and yet you're loved"?
Tim Keller said it so well: "We're far worse than we ever imagined, and far more loved than we could ever dream." This is the message Christians around the world are being strung up for speaking. It's a message of grace that holds true to the Word of God which calls sin "sin" but then is willing to die for the sinner.
Increasingly, Canadians need to hear and learn from the testimonies of those who are pressed on all sides for holding tight to Christ's example. Every day, persecution steps closer to our front door. The reactionary danger is a two-fold extreme: apathy or fear. Either will paralyze you, keeping the fullness of life in Christ at bay.

Dependency on God's Word and its inerrancy has slowly degraded to the point where a young child in vacation Bible school recently asked why the speaker repeatedly cursed. "He keeps saying, 'Jesus Christ'!" the little one explained. How sad that she only knows that most holy name as a cuss word.

Simultaneously, we cannot live in fear of persecution. Christ warned that we'd face opposition, danger, and sword. He pointed out that if the world hated Him, and we are authentic disciples, then we would be hated too. This leaves me wondering if my biggest fear should be that I am too loved and accepted by the world.

By Vanessa Brobbel