Persecution & Prayer Alert

"Suffering in life can uncover
untold depths of character and
unknown strength for service....
Only deeply plowed earth
can yield bountiful harvests."

~ Evangelist Billy Graham (1918-2018)

Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

eyes-prizeMy kids were happily playing "catch" in our backyard, beneath the spreading limbs of a grand maple tree. Birds were singing. Butterflies fluttered like priceless works of art among the flowers. This was the stuff of a mother's dream. In my mind's eye, chubby angels were strumming harps and floating around on fluffy clouds of cartoon nonsense. The perfect moment. Much too perfect for my eldest son Caleb....

Harmony and Jesse each had a baseball, and were playing a game where they would count 1, 2, 3, then throw their balls simultaneously to each other. Caleb was perched in the tree, thinking maniacally to himself, "How can I make these two be my entertainment?" He waited. One, two, three, launch...and then he called out to them, "Hey, guys!"

Suddenly, both Harmony and Jesse looked up. The balls, already having been released, continued on their given trajectory, until...POW! It's no wonder Harmony was afraid of playing catch well into her teens.

A profound lesson learned the hard way: Do not take your eyes off the ball - even for a second - especially in what appears to be a peaceful moment of perfection. The enemy prowls around seeking to devour, using all manner of distractions. (Did I just compare my son to the devil? Oops! Sorry Caleb.) It's imperative for us to keep focussed.

Deuteronomy 8 warns not to lose sight of God in the midst of prosperity where nothing is lacking. Verse 11 says, "That is the time to be careful!  Beware that in your plenty you don't forget the Lord your God and begin to disobey him."

Disobedience leads us away from God - the Prize.

The main speaker of VOMC's upcoming events is a living testament to daily obedience. This obedience is leading others to Christ just as Deuteronomy 8:1 promises. Come to our East Coast reception and be encouraged to live likewise. Pray that we all will continue to keep our eyes on the prize no matter what voices whisper to us from the trees

By Vanessa Brobbel