Persecution & Prayer Alert

"Suffering in life can uncover
untold depths of character and
unknown strength for service....
Only deeply plowed earth
can yield bountiful harvests."

~ Evangelist Billy Graham (1918-2018)

Love is Blind-ish

In a past post I mentioned my two good friends Darlene and Elizabeth. They’re crazy into health food, always trying some new thing. I, apparently, am their "Crash-Test-Dummy."

Darlene will get me focused on some funny story, while Liz is zipping around the kitchen throwing out random comments, questions, and facts while preparing food. Have you ever noticed the skinniest people are always feeding everyone else?

Then, just when my sensors are overloaded, one or the other will say, "Try this Vanessa!" That’s the moment I obediently open my mouth, as they shove some heinous tasting morsel, which is apparently good for me, into my only child, trusting trap.

Once it was Oil of Oregano concentrate. Another time it was Grapefruit Seed Extract. Have you ever tasted grapefruit peel? Imagine that bitterness multiplied by 100, except it’s an oil. No amount of water will wash the taste off your tongue! Believe me. I tried.

At my son’s wedding, Liz held a tea cup to my nose, which looked to have simple water in it, and said, "Smell this."

So I took a deep whiff...

...The BURN singed the nose hairs from my nostrils, scorched my throat and everything attached to it. I felt fire in my ears and brain.

It turned out to be "Oil of Peppermint." She was checking to see if it was diffused enough for her to drink it. Clearly, it wasn’t!

Otto von Bismarck said, "Love is blind; friendship tries not to notice." As Christians we are called to love our enemies as though they are friends. Burning nostrils are one thing; beatings, and life-threatening injustices are another. The only way we can walk in true forgiveness is by the power of the Holy Spirit. He will empower us, but we need to be willing to ask for that power to forgive. The movie Closure is a wonderful example of walking that out. Please join us October 23 and 24 and be encouraged in your walk.

By Vanessa Brobbel