Welcome to our new website, and thank you for visiting. The Voice of the Martyrs Canada wants your entire online experience to be uplifting, encouraging and challenging...and all of that available in an exciting new design template with “user-friendly” navigation and trustworthy, current and topical data.

As you review the informative and heartrending content of the new VOMC website, I’m sure you’ll agree that our developers and ministry team have been very busy providing you with an invaluable tool as you join your heart with those of the many thousands of persecuted brothers and sisters whom we love and care for every day on your behalf.

We’ve also changed our domain address to one that will be more broadly embraced and remembered. Now, instead of accessing VOMC via www.persecution.net, you will simply type in www.vomcanada.com and hit "Enter."

There will always be something new to explore at www.vomcanada.com and, with your help and responsiveness, we together can build a truly interactive online environment to teach, encourage and support one another in our ministry partnership. I’m sure there will be questions and, we hope, suggestions as to how we can make your VOMC online experience more fruitful and enjoyable. Please do not hesitate to respond via the website, or through any other means of contact per our listed coordinates.

Thank you, dear friend, for your prayerful and financial support of The Voice of the Martyrs Canada. We simply could not do what we’ve been called to do without your help.

Now please enjoy our new website, and may every blessing of Christ be upon you and yours throughout 2015!


Doug J. McKenzie
Chief Executive Officer
The Voice of the Martyrs Canada