Why doesn't my church talk about the persecution of Christians?

There are a number of reasons why Western Christians remain silent about the persecution of Christians worldwide. One reason is a strict adherence to Paul's words in Romans 13 about obeying authority without considering the situations of persecution found in the Book of Acts and the mandate of the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20. Another reason is related to a church's focus, be it on outreach to its local community or something else.

One common reason why many churches rarely or never talk about persecution is because no one has ever told them. You can be a part of changing this. Consider being a VOMC Church Representative or a VOMC Ambassador. By becoming a VOMC volunteer, you become part of our missions team, receiving training and support in order to become am effective voice for the persecuted Church. Through our monthly publication, website, the Persecution & Prayer Alert, conferences and special speakers, you can introduce your church to the reality of Christian persecution in today's world and invite them to fellowship with this important part of Christ's Body. Click here to find out more about becoming a volunteer.