Sisters' Stories


  • Needed Freedom from Kidnapping
    Saba Shafique is sitting with her mother.
    Saba Shafique and her mother.
    Photo: Christian Daily International-Morning Star News

    On January 5th, 12-year-old Saba Shafique was abducted from her home in Lahore, Pakistan, and forced to convert to Islam before being married to her abductor. This devastating incident occurred despite the country's laws prohibiting child marriage.

  • Young Teen Kidnapped
    A teenaged girl is sitting in the corner of a dark room. She is covering most of her face with her hands.

    On January 9th, a 14-year-old Christian girl was kidnapped just outside her home. The abducted teen's family is concerned that those responsible are planning to forcibly convert her to Islam and then make the young girl marry one of her attackers.

  • Attack Leads to Miscarriage
    Kunika is lying in bed recovering.
    Kunika Kashyap
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Kunika Kashyap was more than six months pregnant when she went to visit another Christian in her village who had been ill. While Kunika was sitting at the ailing believer's bedside, a relative of hers named Ganga Ram Kashyap began recording the pregnant Christian woman on his mobile phone, hoping to obtain video evidence of her praying.

  • Christian Woman Killed, Daughter Wounded
    Women are gathered in a city in Pakistan.
    Women in Pakistan.
    Photo: Voice of America

    On January 6th, two Christian women had been returning home from work in Gujranwala when they were approached and shot by two men on a motorcycle. During the attack, Shabana and her 18-year-old daughter Misbah were both struck by bullets. The mother was instantly killed at the scene, while Misbah received a serious bullet wound to her back – requiring urgently needed hospitalization for treatment. At last report, the Christian teen remains in critical condition.

  • Sisters Accused of Blasphemy
    Two women are on a path in a village.


    On August 6th, Mohammad Haider claimed that he saw a Christian woman named Sonia Masih putting trash into a bag and then disposing of it. The Muslim man said that when he looked inside the trash bag, it contained ruined pages of the Quran. The next day, Mohammad went to Sonia's home to further investigate the situation, taking two other community members with him. He alleged that Sonia's sister, Saima, had made some inappropriate religious comments to them during the visit, leading the Muslim men to contend that the two Christian sisters committed blasphemy.

  • Christian Woman Threatened with Second Conviction
    Several people are milling about the entry to Evin Prison.
    Evin Prison, where Laleh is being held.
    Photo: Flickr / sbzphoto (cc)

    After living abroad for a period of time, Laleh Saati returned to her home country of Iran in 2017 to care for her elderly parents. However, in February 2024, Laleh was arrested because she had converted to Christianity while living in Malaysia. This Iranian follower of Jesus was sentenced to two years in prison for "acting against national security by connecting with 'Zionist' Christian organizations." For more details on her case, see this report.

  • Six Christians Arrested by Village Chief
    A large wooded area partially hides a village in the mountains of Laos.

    On June 22nd, believers from the village of Tahae gathered at the home of Pastor Mum for a time of prayer in preparation for their Sunday worship service the next day. While the followers of Jesus were praying, the village chief – along with four other community officials – suddenly entered the home before arresting the pastor and five believers because of their Christian faith.

  • Christian Woman Killed by Relatives
    A woman is silhouetted against a sunset.


    A Christian woman was beaten to death with a hammer and other weapons on June 24th because of her conversion to Christianity. The murder took place in Toylanka, a village in the state of Chhattisgarh.

  • Wife of Nazir Masih Dies of a Heart Attack
    Naseem and Nazir
    Naseem and Nazir
    Photo: Morning Star News

    In May, shocking images of mob violence were revealed after 74-year-old Nazir Masih was falsely accused of burning pages from the Quran. The elderly Christian man was fatally wounded during the resulting mob violence, which also led to the destruction of his shoemaking business, along with several attacks against other Christians. Further details on the violent rampage are available here.

  • Court Orders Christian Family to Convert to Islam
    Iraqi children are huddled together, smiling and scrambling for the attention of the photographer.
    Children in Iraq
    Photo: Flickr / UN / ECHO (cc)

    A Christian woman is presently facing a difficult ruling after being ordered by an Iraqi court to convert to Islam. The decision is based on the 1959 Personal Status Law, which mandates that children must adopt Islam if one of their parents converts to the Muslim faith.