As of last Thursday, August 30, the last of the nineteen hostages held by the Taliban were released. Upon returning home, a medical examiner reported that some male hostages had been beaten by their captors. Apparently they had been beaten for refusing to take part in Islamic prayers or to convert to Islam and for protecting female captives. Two of them, Je Chang-Hee and Song Byung-Woo, were beaten or threatened with death when they refused to move out of a dugout shelter and leave some of their female colleagues behind. They have reportedly fully recuperated from the attacks.
On Monday, South Korean President Roh Moo-Hyun ordered the former captives to repay some of the costs of their rescue. Public rejoicing at the release of the hostages has shifted to criticism and anger at the Saemmul Community Church for sending the team of volunteers into a hostile Muslim country.
Pray that these ex-hostages will fully recuperate from their ordeal. Pray for the leadership of the Saemmul Community Church as they face public hostility. Pray that the threats by the Taliban to kidnap others will come to nothing.
For more information on the difficulties facing Christianity in Afghanistan, click here. Check out Glenn Penner's blogs on the fallout of the concessions made by the South Korean government to secure the release of the hostages.