Denial of Church Registration Causes Mounting Pressures

Many churches in Azerbaijan are facing further challenges due to the government's tough new regulations and, as a result, denial of official registration. To make matters worse, Christians who refuse to give or take bribes struggle to survive in a country where corruption is endemic; a struggle that's further compounded by discrimination while seeking employment.

The law was initially amended in 2009 to require religious organizations to re-register with the authorities. (According to human rights lawyer, "Asad," the authorities have since increased the fines significantly.) In practice, applications for registration are often refused. This means churches that had previously been granted registration are now considered illegal.

Pastor "Izzat" served 18 months behind bars after complaints by Muslim leaders. When 30 police officers and other officials turned up at his house, he was warned that it was illegal to spread the teachings of Jesus in Azerbaijan, even though freedom of religion is guaranteed under the constitution. Another church leader, Pastor Hamid, describes a police raid on his unregistered church: "They confiscated all our literature and our Bibles.... They sentenced me to a year's imprisonment. It's very hard to be in prison in Azerbaijan." To review previous reports, check the Azerbaijan Country Report.

Despite the increasing pressures faced by Christians in this former Soviet republic, the church is steadily growing. In 1990, it was estimated that there were only about 40 Azerbaijani evangelical Christians in the world, with very few within the country itself. Today, there are approximately 10,000 evangelicals in Azerbaijan.

"Please pray for us -- pray for freedom -- that believers can come together without being afraid of the government, the police, security services or extremists," requests one dedicated follower of Jesus. "Pray that Christians will be able to find work, as many are jobless, and pray too that there will be those who can represent and defend the rights of believers in Azerbaijan."

  • Country Information

    10,420,515 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Azerbaijani (91.6), Lezghin (2), Russian (1.3), Armenian (1.3), Talysh (1.3), other (2.4)

    Religions (%)
    Islam (97.3), Christianity (2.6), other (0.1)

    President Ilham Aliyev (2003)

    Government type
    Presidential republic

    Legal system
    Civil law system

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for Azerbaijan

    Pray for peace within the hearts of the Azerbaijani people who are living amid political instability. May the country's governmental authorities be willing to grant Christians their fundamental freedoms, enabling them to worship freely and share their faith openly with others of their communities.

Azerbaijan News

  • Christian Community Authorized to Meet After Many Years
    Hamid Shabanov - Photo: World Watch Monitor
    Pastor Hamid Shabanov
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    The Baptist community in the village of Aliabad understands what it means to wait patiently. For 25 years, these believers have sought legal status but were repeatedly ignored or denied. Police have regularly raided their church meetings and seized religious literature. Despite the opposition, the church continued to gather for teaching and worship while attempting to get official status.

  • Court Appeals Rejected
    Pastor Hamid Shabanov - Photo: VOM USA
    Pastor Hamid Shabanov
    Photo: VOM USA

    Pastor Hamid Shabanov has known suffering for more than two decades, as he seeks to lead his church in Aliabad, Azerbaijan. He has been arrested on multiple occasions. For a 2013 report on the fines facing him, see this report. In December 2016, he was fined again for hosting religious meetings without permission. This opposition comes despite the fact that the church has been seeking legal registration since 1994.

  • Christian Prisoner Needs Urgent Prayer
    Map & flag of Azerbaijan

    It has been brought to our attention by credible ministry partners that a Christian worker, who was imprisoned last May in the neighbouring country of Georgia, is now greatly in need of prayer. They strongly believe that "Shimon" (not his real name due to security reasons) is facing false charges for possession of drugs. A trusted correspondent of Release International reports that "his health is very bad and he needs urgent help -- medically, spiritually and materially."

  • Old Testament Banned by Authorities

    The Old Testament found within this

    Azeri Bible is listed among the

    banned books in Azerbaijan.

    In early May, the Old Testament was included on a list of banned religious books in the country. State police and "expert analysts" reportedly produced the list which was published by a news agency. Along with the Old Testament, another 27 titles on the list were described as "some of the most radical and dangerous" religious books.