Photo: Wikipedia / Amin (cc)
If the parliament of Belarus approves a draft law, individual citizens will be stripped of the legal privilege to issue justifiable complaints to the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Committee about violations of their rights. The country's Deputy Foreign Minister, Igor Nazaruk, alleges that there has been an "arbitrary expansion" of the committee's powers, which is presently being addressed. However, human rights groups see this proposed law as a way of closing one of the last remaining opportunities for Belarusians to seek justice.
In 2021, the UN Human Rights Committee determined that the courts had violated the rights of Pentecostal Pastor Valentin Borovik who was fined for leading an unregistered religious community. Other cases are currently before the committee for their consideration.
It is expected that this legislation will be debated during the next few months. If approved and signed into law, Belarus' officials would then inform the UN Secretary General and, after a three-month period, cease to participate as a party of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. When asked about the chances of this law not passing, one human rights defender replied that it would take "a miracle." To learn more about the challenges encountered by our Christian brothers and sisters in Belarus, go to our country report.
Pray that God will miraculously work among the meetings conducted by the leaders of Belarus, especially as they deliberate this potential law of concern. Ask the Lord to transform their hearts and lead them to consider the rights of all citizens. May the courts also rule justly, providing fair judgements for those who have been accused under the strict religious restrictions. Additionally, on behalf of the lawyers and church leaders serving as advocates of righteousness, pray that they be granted wisdom and guidance in their endeavours to raise a voice against the human rights abuses committed by the government.