Evangelist Killed by Family Members
On August 14th, an independent Christian evangelist, Karthridasan Madhavan, was burned to death in the Indian state of West Bengal by a mob that included some members of his own family. The victim, known as Madhavan, lived in the village of Gobindapur. He was the sole Christian in his extended family and diligently worked to spread the Gospel message.
Draft Law Threatens UN Appeals
The United Nations office in Geneva.
Photo: Wikipedia / Amin (cc)If the parliament of Belarus approves a draft law, individual citizens will be stripped of the legal privilege to issue justifiable complaints to the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Committee about violations of their rights. The country's Deputy Foreign Minister, Igor Nazaruk, alleges that there has been an "arbitrary expansion" of the committee's powers, which is presently being addressed. However, human rights groups see this proposed law as a way of closing one of the last remaining opportunities for Belarusians to seek justice.
More Chibok School Hostages Freed!
Girls abducted from a school in Chibok, Nigeria, during 2014.
Photo: ScreenshotEight years ago, over 200 girls were abducted from a secondary school in Chibok, Nigeria, and held hostage by Boko Haram, a militant Islamic group that is fiercely opposed to what they define as "Western education." Over the years, a number of the former schoolgirls managed to escape, and more than 100 others have been freed through negotiations. Unfortunately, approximately 100 of the seized students were still missing.