Senate Begins Public Hearings on Bill C-250

Canadian SenateJust as we were about to send out the Persecution and Prayer Alert, we received the following release from the Catholic Civil Rights League, which is of concern to Canadian Christians. We encourage you to make your voice heard on this potentially restrictive legislation.

Catholic Civil Rights League
301 - 46 St. Clair Ave. E, Toronto, ON M4T 1M9
Phone: 416-466-8244, Fax: 416-466-0091, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,

On Friday last, Brian Rushfeldt of the Canadian Family Action Coalition (C-FAC) accidentally discovered that a Senate committee has commenced 'public' hearings on Bill C-250, the bill that is likely to make it a 'hate crime' to challenge the morality of homosexual conduct or lifestyles.

He asked why he had not been notified of the hearings, since he had asked to make a presentation. No reason was given. Instead, he was told to appear before the committee in Ottawa today, Wednesday, 17 March, only three business days later. At the cost of the maximum possible air fare, booking less than seven days in advance, Rushfeldt will be allowed only five minutes to make his case against the bill.

Rushfeldt also learned that Svend Robinson, Amnesty International, a Vancouver 'Hate Crimes' policeman and members of EGALE (Equality for Gays and Lesbians Everywhere) had already appeared and had had more than five minutes each to speak in favour of the bill.

REAL Women of Canada has placed a full-page advertisement in today's National Post to bring this bill to the public's attention. They have also provided individuals with the tools to be heard on this issue. If the senators won't hear opposition to the bill in committee we need to reach them another way. Please go to and let the government and senators know that they will not be able to push this bill through unnoticed.

For information about Bill C250, see

Canada News

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    Trinity Western University - Photo: Google
    Photo: Google

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    Photo: ARW/VOM Canada

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  • BRITISH COLUMBIA: Christian Law Graduates Banned from Practising Law
    Photo: Flickr / steakpinball

    "It should be front page news across Canada," states Sun Media's Ezra Levant in an email news alert. Due to the results of a referendum among the province's lawyers, the British Columbia Law Society voted recently to reverse an earlier decision to accredit Trinity Western University (TWU) law school graduates. As a result, graduates of TWU's law school will not be able to practise law in British Columbia (BC).

    The legal profession rejected accreditation for TWU's graduates based on a personal pledge of conduct the university's students are required to sign. The pledge, which includes a promise to abstain from sex outside of traditional marriage, raises a same-sex equality rights issue for the BC Law Society, but pits it against religious freedom in Canada.

  • Update: Judge overturns hate speech ruling against Canadian pastor

    On December 3, a Court of Queen's Bench judge overturned a December 2007 ruling by the Alberta Human Rights Commission (AHRC) that a letter written by Stephen Boissoin published in a local newspaper broke provincial law against spreading hatred (click here for more details). Justice E.C. Wilson ruled that the AHRC panel chair Lori Andreachuk had made many errors in her ruling. The judge ruled that Andreachuk's order that Boissoin pay $5,000 and refrain from making "disparaging remarks" about homosexuals could not be enforced, as it was "unlawful or unconstitutional."

    The judge said that while Boissoin's remarks were "jarring, offensive, bewildering, puerile, nonsensical and insulting," they were not hateful or extreme and that there was nothing in the letter to suggest it was exhorting Albertans to discriminate against homosexuals in areas which fall under provincial jurisdiction. At last report, Darren Lund, who launched the complaint against Boissoin, has not decided whether he will appeal this ruling.

    In another religious freedom case in Canada, Christian Horizons, a Christian organization that assists individuals with developmental disabilities, will be appealing a May 2008 ruling by the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal (OHRT) on December 15-17. The OHRT ruled that Christian Horizons violated the rights of a former worker, Connie Heintz, by terminating her employment when she revealed that she was a lesbian (click here for more information). The ruling ordered Christian Horizons to compensate Heintz $23,000 in lost wages and to stop requiring its staff to sign an explicitly Christian morality code.

    Thank the Lord that the ruling against Stephen Boissoin was overturned. Ask the Lord to give the believers involved in the Christian Horizons case Christ-like endurance as they stand up for their beliefs. Pray that Canada will uphold the religious freedom of its citizens.