Thousands Flee Militant Islamist Violence

Children in a displacement camp in northeast DR Congo
Photo: Open Doors via World Watch Monitor

Children in a displacement camp in northeast DR Congo
Photo: Open Doors via World Watch Monitor

Islamist militants are suspected to have killed between 20 and 40 villagers in the eastern areas of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Late in the evening on May 3rd, attackers carried machetes and axes into a village located within the North Kivu province. "Between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m., the enemy managed to get past army positions and kill peaceful residents in their homes," reports local administrator Bernard Amisi Kalonda.

A Christian missionary adds that thousands of people have already fled the area since the militants' unexpected attack. "It was eerie; hundreds of houses (have been) abandoned and thousands of people displaced," the missionary says of the mass exodus. "I saw four coffins and a funeral or two on the road. I saw people carrying their mattresses and things in cars, on motorcycles, on foot. Hundreds of homes along the road are abandoned. Where there was a thriving community, there is now a ghost town."

The local population in the related area is overwhelmingly Christian (95.8 percent), and the resulting impact on them has been immense. Referencing the attack, a pastor of a church in the community reported that the people are terrified. While some contemplated fleeing again, others have opted to stay in hopes that things will normalize soon.

Thank you for joining us in prayer for the families who have lost loved ones, and for the community at large after having experienced forceful expulsion from their homes. May they take comfort in the knowledge that wherever they go, God will always be with them (Deuteronomy 31:6). Uphold those in need of healing from physical injury or emotional trauma due to the attack -- whether the Lord works through the giftedness of medically trained experts or another means of His divine intervention. Also intercede for the perpetrators responsible for this horrific attack. May they come to know the God of those they persecute and, as a result, be able to proclaim Him as their own Saviour and Lord.

  • Country Information

    111,859,928 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    More than 200 ethnic groups of which the majority are Bantu

    Religion (%)
    Christian (93.1), Kimbanguist (2.8), Muslim (1.3) other (1.2), none (1.3) (2014 est.)

    President Felix Tshisekedi (2019)

    Government type
    Semi-presidential republic

    Legal system
    Civil law based on Belgian law along with customary and tribal law.

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for DRC

    Pray for protection for Christians in DRC facing violence in the midst of a war-torn nation. Remember the pastors and members of churches destroyed by militant Islamic groups. Remember all those who have been displaced due to violence.(Acts 20:24). Ask God to encourage them to keep their eyes on Jesus, persevere in their faith, and not grow weary or lose heart (Hebrews 10:32-39; Hebrews 12:1-3).

DR Congo News

  • Church Attacks Result in Fatalities and Kidnappings
    A group of Christians are praying together.
    Photo: Wikimedia / Steve Evans (cc)

    Members of the Eglise Message du Temps church are calling for "fervent prayer" after being struck by an attack on January 30th. The church is located within the community of Baeti in the northeastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The attackers have been identified as members of a militant group associated with ISIS.

  • Increasing Violence by IS Terrorists
    A large fire
    IS celebrated killing ''over 100 Christians'' in March.
    Photo: al-Naba

    According to an analysis conducted by BBC Monitoring, the self-declared terrorist group, Islamic State (IS), and its affiliated members have significantly escalated a campaign of violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo. During the first half of 2023, the terrorists claimed to have instigated 58 violent attacks in the DR Congo, targeting those whom they identify as Christians. These attacks are concentrated in the eastern provinces of North Kivu and Ituri.

  • Fatal Church Bombing
    Wreckage from the bomb.
    The aftermath of the bombing.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    On January 15th, a joint baptismal service was held in the town of Kasindi, which is located in eastern DR Congo. During the service, two men apparently entered the building and left a bag containing explosives before vacating the church premises. The resulting explosion killed at least 14 people and injured dozens of others. As the local hospital was quickly filled with wounded church members, some of the victims had to be transported by United Nations helicopters to the provincial capital of Goma.

  • Over 100 Killed by Islamic Militants
    Boy smiling - Photo: Pixabay / T Hammond
    Pray that the peace of Christ will fill
    the hearts of people in D.R. Congo.

    Over a hundred people, largely Christians, have died in mass attacks launched by Islamic extremists in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) since the beginning of 2021. On January 4th, an estimated 22 people had been killed in an overnight raid on the village of Mwenda. A week earlier, at least 42 were slain in two separate attacks within the same region. Then, on January 14th, approximately 46 people died at the hands of the militant Islamic group, Allied Democratic Forces (ADF).