Demolition & Detention on Easter Sunday

Donghu Church
Photo: ChinaAid

The Donghu Church in Xining has stood firm in the face of opposition for years. Even though it was officially approved by the Chinese authorities in 2003, this church of more than 300 members has faced problems for years.

In December 2017, the fire department closed the building, citing an unspecified "hidden danger." Following this, the congregation purchased a new building but it was not approved. So the members began meeting in the Donghu Hotel instead. This was also opposed and, in December 2019, the fire department sealed the door. This did not stop the members, who climbed through a window of the church building to resume meeting together. On Christmas Day, however, the electrical power was cut off in the middle of the service and authorities told them the building would be demolished. For more details, see this report.

On Easter Sunday morning, officials carried through on their threats. The building was completely torn down by construction crews. In response, some of these Christians encouraged one another by saying that even though the government could destroy the building, it could never destroy the faith within their hearts.

Easter Sunday was a time of trouble for another church. For the Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu, worship has taken on many forms since being raided by governing officials in December 2018. As a result of the coordinated attacks, dozens of congregants were arrested and several are now serving prison sentences -- including Pastor Wang Yi, who was sentenced to nine years' imprisonment.

The church members have sought other ways to meet for worship, including outdoor services and online options. On Easter Sunday, however, a group of believers were meeting online through Zoom when some of the participants suddenly heard nothing, followed by sounds of a disagreement. At least eight people were taken into custody from various homes as a result of a coordinated raid. While most were released after giving statements, others remain under investigation.

For more details on the challenges being experienced by the Donghu Church, the Early Rain Church and others in China, go to our country report.

As the members of these affected churches face uncertain times in the days to come, please pray that they will experience the blessed assurance and peace that comes with knowing their lives are in the hands of the "Living God." While worshipping freely in the privacy of our own homes during this time of social isolation, may we become even more mindful of those who have been trying to do likewise for so much longer. May these Chinese believers also find safe and secure ways of meeting together for needed worship and fellowship. Pray that the opposing Chinese officials will personally realize the truth of the Gospel they are opposing so that they too will come to faith in Christ and share the "Good News" of His salvation.

  • Current Ministry Projects

    The Voice of the Martyrs Canada continues to help distribute Bibles to Christians in the country, making it possible for them to have their own printed version of God's Word. Additionally, VOMC works with various mission partners to facilitate a Biblical understanding of persecution and discipleship, while presenting ways to effectively respond and minister within the context of hostility.

    Project Funds: Underground Church, Bible, Relief & Development

  • Country Information

    1,413,142,846 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Han Chinese (91.1), ethnic minorities (8.9 - includes Zhang, Hui, Manchu, Uighur, Miao, Yi, Tujia, Tibetan, Mongol, Dong, Buyei, Yao, Bai, Korean, Hani, Li, Kazakh, Dai, and other nationalities) (2021 est.)

    Religion (%)
    Folk religion (21.9), Buddhist (18.2), Christian (5.1), Muslim (1.8), Hindu (< 0.1), Jewish (< 0.1), other (0.7 - includes Daoist [Taoist]), unaffiliated (52.1) (2021 est.)

    President Xi Jinping (2013)

    Government type
    Communist party-led state

    Legal system
    Based on civil law system; influenced by Soviet and continental European civil law systems

    Sources: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for China

    Pray that the Gospel will be proclaimed throughout China without government interference so many more names can be added to the Lamb's "Book of Life." May there also be a spirit of unity demonstrated among the country's growing churches, further strengthening existing believers and spurring them on in their ministry service and evangelistic outreach within the country's numerous communities.

China News

  • Bible Study Meeting Raided in Inner Mongolia
    Believers are singing hymns at the Xuan'en Church.
    Xuan'en Church
    Photo: ChinaAid

    On the morning of July 17th, several Christians from the Xuan'en Church in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, were gathered for a Bible study when the meeting was suddenly interrupted by a raid. The intruding officials, who were sent by multiple agencies, recorded the names and phone numbers of the attending Christians and ordered them to end the meeting – based on the grounds that they are not part of the government-sanctioned Three-Self church. Since this was considered a first offence, the believers were issued a warning.

  • Chen Wensheng Sentenced to 19 Months
    Chen Wensheng is smiling.
    Chen Wensheng
    Photo: ChinaAid

    Chen Wensheng is no stranger to arrests and police intimidation. A radically reformed former drug addict, the Christian evangelist has travelled throughout China to share his testimony, gaining the nickname of "Gospel Warrior." (See these other reports about this faithful believer.)

  • New Health Concerns for Elder Zhang Chunlei
    Zhang Chunlei with his wife
    Elder Zhang Chunlei and his wife
    Photo: ChinaAid

    Zhang Chunlei is an elder with the Ren'ai Reformed Church in Guiyang, China. He was detained in March 2021 and remained in detention without charge until his trial in November 2022, when he was accused of "inciting subversion of state power." The trial was held in secret, without any witnesses, and a verdict has never been announced since then. In the meantime, Elder Zhang continues to remain imprisoned. (Review previously published reports about this church leader's case.)