next to Shinian Christian Church’s sign.
Photo: ChinaAid
On July 3rd, a banner displaying the Communists' symbolic 'hammer and sickle' was raised next to the Shinian Christian Church in Zhejiang province, China. According to a pastor in the area, the Taizhou Religious Affairs Bureau sent notices to local churches mandating that all religious venues must put up large signs with the following wording at their entrances: "Love the Chinese Communist Party, love the country, and love the religion," as well as "Uphold the principle of developing religions in the Chinese context."
What is unusual about this demand is the fact that the notified churches are not part of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and thus there is no legal grounds for displaying the signs. However, according to a local pastor, officials are implementing religious persecution as a means of gaining political influence and promotion.
Since Christianity is flourishing in Zhejiang province, governing officials are increasing measures to control it. This has brought about demands that religion must "develop in the Chinese context," an ideology also known as "Sinicization." Christians who do not adhere to this process by adapting their beliefs to socialist values frequently encounter harsh persecution. Due to current trends, it is anticipated that religious oppression in the region is likely to escalate over the next few years. To learn more about the persecution of Christians in China, and/or to review previously posted reports, go to our country report.
As the church leaders in Zhejiang province deal with the increased expectations being placed on them, pray that they will receive God's divine wisdom and guidance. In spite of attempts by CCP officials to Sinicize the Christian faith, may the Gospel message remain untainted so many more people throughout China will come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Please also remember the many believers who are presently suffering for their faith, asking the Lord to grant each one of them the strength and grace to continue faithfully serving as His courageous witnesses.