A smiling family stands in a doorway.

Actively Remembering and Serving the "Church Persecuted."

Pakistan: Kidnapped and Left to Die

Pakistan: Kidnapped and Left to Die

Anees Khan grew up in a Christian home in Pakistan, where he and his family faced extreme persecution because of their faith in Jesus. When Anees was kidnapped by a group of militant Muslims, his father – who served as a local pastor – received a phone call from the captors demanding that he convert to Islam, or they would kill his son. After the pastor refused to renounce his Christian faith, the attackers threw Anees off a cliff. However, the faithful follower of Jesus miraculously survived the ordeal without injury.

The family eventually escaped Pakistan by going to Sri Lanka, and then later settling in Canada. During this episode of the Closer to the Fire podcast, Anees joins host Greg Musselman to talk about his powerful testimony of survival, the many challenges facing Christians today in Pakistan, and how he is now helping followers of Jesus in his homeland.

Length: 50 minutes

Episode Notes

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The Voice of the Martyrs Canada: VOMCanada.com