Believers Driven from Homes in Axum

Rock hewn Ethiopian Orthodox Church in Axum
Axum is considered the most holy city for the Ethiopian Orthodox Church because of its ancient churches and their claim that the original Ark of the Covenant is kept there.  The influence of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church is very strong in the area.  A Full Gospel church is the only known non-Orthodox church in the city.  According to a VOMC source in Ethiopia , the church frequently experiences harassment with stones often thrown at the building throughout the services.  "In one of my trips to Axum , I was ministering in the evening service and stones were flowing on the roof like rain. I had to wait for hours to get out of the church and even then, stones were falling everywhere as we went out," he said. 

The situation heated up significantly after a popular nightclub singer, Meseret Negusse, came to faith in Christ.  Despite repeated attempts to force her to return to the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, Meseret persisted in her new-found faith and each Sunday she would come to church with new converts. "Meseret made us extremely busy in the kingdom work by bringing new converts who need deliverance and follow up," said Gebremedhine, founder of the Full Gospel church.

On March 12 and 17, the church building was attacked.  The mob severely damaged the building with stones and burned it.  Following the latest attack, Ethiopian Orthodox leaders ordered their followers to expel anyone from their home who was not a member of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. At last report, four young women have been expelled and are now living inside the church compound for protection.  Their names are Askalu (25), Ethiopia Gedey (24), Eden Beyene (20), and Meseret Wasiun (30). One of these women is suffering badly from AIDS but was still thrown out of her bed by her parents and chased from her home.

Pray that these women will find joy and peace as they rest in the love of the God Who suffers with them (1 Peter 4:12 -13). Ask the Lord to give them the strength to love, forgive and even bless those who have rejected them (Matthew 5:43 -44). Pray that there will be adequate care for these dear believers, particularly for the one suffering from AIDS.

For more information on Ethiopia and the suffering facing Christians there, click here. The April edition of The Voice of the Martyrs newsletter features stories on persecution from eastern Africa , including Ethiopia .  Canadians who wish to subscribe can go to our newsletter page.  Those who subscribe will be able to read the feature article, "Witnessing God's Faithfulness in East Africa " online.  The Voice of the Martyrs also provides assistance in such circumstances through an emergency fund set up for this purpose. Donations can be made online to VOMC's Relief and Development Fund at our donations page.
  • Current Ministry Project

    VOMC has partnered with a ministry to strengthen the witness of the local church by equipping evangelists with the means to build sustainability through the development of a small business in a tentmaker project.

    Project Fund: Relief and Development

  • Country Information

    116,462,712 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Oromo (35.8), Amara (24.1), Somali (7.2), Tigray (5.7), Sidama (4.1), Guragie (2.6), Welaita (2.3), Afar (2.2), Silte (1.3), Kefficho (1,2), Other (13.5) (2022 est.)

    Religion (%)
    Ethiopian Orthodox (43.8), Muslim (31.3), Protestant (22.8), Catholic (0.7), traditional (0.6), other (0.8)

    President Taye Atske Selassie (2024)

    Government type
    Federal parliamentary republic

    Legal system
    Civil law system

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for Ethiopia

    Ask the Lord to direct Ethiopia's governmental leaders as they continue to work toward solutions to the ongoing religious tensions in the country. While this is taking place, pray that His people will not become weary in doing what is right. Rather, may they be further strengthened and encouraged to boldly proclaim the Gospel, overcoming hatred with the powerful love of Christ.

Ethiopia News

  • Christians Targeted in Violent Outbreaks
    Property damage from a fire - Photo: Steadfast Global
    Fire damage in Shashamene.
    Photo: Steadfast Global

    The Oromia region of Ethiopia is in the midst of turmoil as separatists spread dissent against the government. The murder of prominent singer Hachalu Hundessa on June 29th set off the civil unrest, leaving hundreds dead.

    During the third week of August, a violent outbreak took place in a predominantly Muslim village of Senbete Sinkile. In the attack, which was perpetrated by a youth wing of separatists known as the Qeerroo, it appears that Christians in particular were targeted. While there were no fatalities resulting from this attack, a number of people were injured and damages were done to a church and the homes of various Christians in the village. A number of victims were forced to flee, despite flood conditions, seeking refuge in the mainly Christian city of Awassa.

  • Church Destroyed and Believers Beaten
    Believers in Ethiopia - Photo: VOMC
    Ask God to give Ethiopian believers wisdom and grace as they navigate the challenges before them.

    On March 13th, a church in the town of Jeru in northern Ethiopia was burned to the ground. During the attack, believers were severely beaten and expelled from their homes by fellow villagers. Those responsible were members of the Ethiopian Orthodox church.

    While it may seem unusual for Christians to face opposition from others who claim to follow Christ, this is not unusual in Ethiopia. The dominant religions of the nation are Islam in the south and the traditional Orthodox church in the north. Those who are not members of either group frequently face strong opposition from neighbours and family members who consider them apostates.

  • Evangelical Church Not Allowed
    Debarq, Ethiopia - Photo: Wikipedia / Bernard Gagnon
    Debarq, Ethiopia
    Photo: Wikipedia / Bernard Gagnon

    Authorities in the town of Debarq (also spelled Debark) have told an evangelical fellowship group that they are no longer permitted to meet. The town, which consists of 25,000 citizens, is considered holy by members of the dominant Ethiopian Orthodox Church, and religious leaders have put on pressure to prevent any other religious group from being established. Another church was burned in 2008 and, over time, most evangelical believers have moved to the city of Gondar, located about 80 kilometres to the south.

  • Church Ordered to Vacate
    Worship in Ethiopia

    Despite meeting in the same location for ten years, a church in central Ethiopia has been ordered to vacate, citing noise violations. Members of the Mekane Yesus Evangelical Church in the town of Robe were told by state authorities that neighbours have complained about the noise and that the building was not suitable for worship services. They also claimed that those attending were not from the local area.