

  • Zhang Beaten in Custody
     Zhang Yi-nan
    Zhang Yi-nan
    Zhang Yi-nan was arrested on September 26 and sentenced to two years of "re-education through labour" for his role in the house church movement (click here
     for more details).

    VOM sources have learned that, on the first day of his sentence (November 3) in Ping Ding Shan City Lao Dong Jiao Yang Suo, Zhang was badly beaten by other prisoners, at the urging of prison guards. According to an official at the prison camp, who spoke to VOM sources, guards considered this the first lesson in his "re-education." "Zhang Yi-nan is a strong man," said the official, "but he was terribly beaten. His hands were bleeding badly."

    Pray for physical, emotional and spiritual strength for Zhang Yi-nan. Pray for healing and protection from further physical harm. Pray that his faith in Christ will be strengthened, even as the officials try to destroy it. Christians are also urged to write a letter of encouragement to Zhang. The address at the prison camp is:

    Zhang Yi-nan
    Ping Ding Shan City Lao Dong Jiao Yang Suo
    Pei De School
    Ping Ding Shan City, Henan Province, 467300
    People's Republic of China

    For help in writing a letter, visit our website.

  • Christian Woman Beaten to Death While in Police Custody

    The Voice of the Martyrs learned on November 11 about the death of a Christian woman while in police custody. On October 29, Zhang Hong-mei was arrested by local police in Dong Miao Dong village in Jiu Dian Town near Ping Du City in Shandong Province. That afternoon, her family was called and told to pay a bribe of 3,000 RMB (about $475 CDN). When they were unable to raise the money, her husband, Xu Feng-hai, and her brother went to the Public Security Bureau station to request her release. There they witnessed her chained, visibly beaten, and unable to speak to them. The following afternoon, the family was called and told that she had died. An autopsy showed wounds to her face, hands and leg, and serious internal bleeding. The following day, the family went to the city officials to ask for an inquiry, accompanied by one thousand people in a peaceful protest.

    Pray for the comfort of the Holy Spirit for Xu Feng-hai and the other relatives and friends of Zhang Hong-mei. Pray that the truth of her death will be revealed. Pray that the international community will be prepared to confront China about its human rights record. We encourage you to contact your local political representatives, asking them to raise these cases as examples of the way China treats its citizens. For contact information, visit our website athttps://www.vomcanada.com/links.htm.

  • Another Prominent Christian Leader Arrested
     Dr. Xu Yong-hai
    Dr. Xu Yong-hai
    On the morning of November 9, Dr. Xu Yonghai and his wife, Li Shanna were finishing their night shifts at Ping'an Hospital in Beijing where Dr. Xu is a prominent psychiatrist, when they were arrested by the Public Security Bureau (PSB) and taken for interrogation. According to Li, who was released later that day, they were questioned about the activities of Liu Fenggang, a house church activist who has been held by the PSB since October 13. Li was told that Dr. Xu was accused as "a suspect of espionage the national secrets" in collaborating with Liu Fenggang. This arrest is only the latest in a new crackdown on leaders of the house church movement in China.

    Dr. Xu previously spent two and a half years in "re-education" for his faith. He is a prominent advocate for the house church and has spoken out against corruption in the Chinese medical system.

    Dr. Xu had come to faith in Christ in 1989, after loosing faith in the Communist system and seeing the spiritual void. In an interview with Associated Press in 2000, Xu said, "Life without faith is unbearable. But after I found God in 1989, my life totally changed. I felt like a new person."

    On the morning of November 9, Dr. Xu Yonghai and his wife, Li Shanna were finishing their night shifts at Ping'an Hospital in Beijing where Dr. Xu is a prominent psychiatrist, when they were arrested by the Public Security Bureau (PSB) and taken for interrogation. According to Li, who was released later that day, they were questioned about the activities of Liu Fenggang, a house church activist who has been held by the PSB since October 13. Li was told that Dr. Xu was accused as "a suspect of espionage the national secrets" in collaborating with Liu Fenggang. This arrest is only the latest in a new crackdown on leaders of the house church movement in China.

    Dr. Xu previously spent two and a half years in "re-education" for his faith. He is a prominent advocate for the house church and has spoken out against corruption in the Chinese medical system.

    Dr. Xu had come to faith in Christ in 1989, after loosing faith in the Communist system and seeing the spiritual void. In an interview with Associated Press in 2000, Xu said, "Life without faith is unbearable. But after I found God in 1989, my life totally changed. I felt like a new person."

    Pray that Dr. Xu's faith in Christ will be strengthened during this time of suffering. Pray for other Christian leaders. Pray that uncertainty and fear would not hinder the spread of the Gospel in China in any way. Pray that others will come to Christ through Dr. Xu's imprisonment.

  • One Christian Released; One Sentenced to ''Re-Education''

    Zhang Yi-nan
    Zhang Yi-nan

    Xiao Bi-guang and family
    Xiao Bi-guang and family

    Xiao Bi-gaung, a Christian leader and advocate for the underground house churches in China has been released from prison since a link could not be found to prove the charges that he was involved in activities that "subverted the Chinese government and socialist system." Sources spoke to his wife, Gou Qinghui, who reported that he was not beaten or physically abused while incarcerated. The outcry resulting from the publicity around his case is seen as a major factor in his release. Police asked Xiao, "How did you get your story on the Internet?" Xiao wishes to express his thanks for the prayers and support of Christians around the world.

    Another Christian leader arrested with him, Zhang Yi-nan, however, has been sentenced to two years of "re-education through labor." A source within the Beijing Public Security Bureau (PSB) told VOM sources that "Zhang doesn't have a criminal problem. He has a mind problem. He is too superstitious." Entries in his personal journal and written prayers, such as asking the Lord to "destroy the strongholds in China," were used against him, proving his need for "re-education." Zhang has sixty days to appeal the conviction as well as ninety days to request an administrative trial in the People's Court.

    We encourage Christians to politely protest this conviction to the Chinese Embassy in your country. Contact information can be found on our website at https://www.vomcanada.com/links.htm. Chinese-speaking Christians may wish to contact the Re-education Through Labor Commission of Lu Shan County by calling (from North America) 011-86-375-2924123, extension 23050.

    Please pray for our brother Zhang, as he faces this "re-education" to endeavour to convince him to deny his faith. Pray that the Lord will also sustain his family and fellow Christians during this ordeal.

  • Catholic Priests Arrested The systematic attack on churches by the Chinese government continued on October 20 with the arrest of approximately twelve underground Roman Catholic priests and seminarians as they met for a retreat in the Hebei province. According to the Cardinal Kung Foundation, they are being held in the detention house of Gaocheng County. Those arrested include Father Li Wenfeng, age 31, Father Liu Heng, age 29, Father Dou Shengxia, age 37, Chen Rongfu, age 21, Han Jianlu, age 24, and Zhang Chongyou, age 23.

    This attack appears to be part of a coordinated effort by the authorities against the underground church. On May 28, an Catholic expert in Chinese affairs published an article in the Italian newspaper, Avvenire, outlining three Chinese government directives specifically aimed at the Catholic Church, particularly to sever ties with the Vatican. The Chinese government is recently stepping up efforts to strengthen the communist grip on religion while defending their religious practices.

    On October 22, the South China Morning Post published an article outlining new efforts to defend and promote atheism in order to curtail the rapid growth of religious activities in China. On the same day, religious leaders were speaking at the Chinese Embassy in the U.S. about freedom of religion in China. According to Rev. Cao Shengjie, president of the China Christian Council, "The Chinese government is doing a better and better job of ensuring freedom of religious belief." They deny the existence of an underground church in China as well as denying persecuting the church. They claim that there are only a limited number of unregistered churches in China.

    Pray for the release of those recently arrested. Pray for the millions of Christians throughout China facing daily persecution and the fear of arrest. Pray that this increasing persecution will cease. Pray that world leaders will not be seduced by the deceptive words of the Chinese authorities and their statements, but that will hold the Chinese government accountable for their actions.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China, visit the China Country Report.

  • Church Leaders Face Possible Death Sentence as Wife is Released

     Zhang Yi-nan
    Zhang Yi-nan

    Xiao Bi-guang and family
    Xiao Bi-guang and family

    Two church leaders arrested by the Chinese Public Security Bureau (PSB) are facing charges of "conspiracy to subvert the national government and socialist system." If convicted, Xiao Bi-guang and Zhang Yi-nan face a minimum sentence of five years in prison and could be sentenced to death.

    Xiao and Zhang were arrested on September 26 (For more details on the arrest, click here). Zhang's wife, Ding Guizhen, was also arrested on September 28 but was released on October 11. As she was being ushered from the prison, she was served with the official notification of her husband's arrest, including the charges they face.

    On October 21, Xiao's wife, Gou Qinghui, finally received official notification of the charges against her husband. According to Chinese law, family members must be notified within twenty-four hours of an arrest. It is believed that this notification came only as a result of international pressure on the authorities. The official excuse given for the delay was that the authorities claim that Xiao gave them the given the wrong address during his interrogation.

    Until Gou received official notification, she was unable to hire a lawyer to defend her husband. She has now done so and the attorneys plan to visit the Detention Center of Lushan County in Henan Province, where Xiao is being held, later this week. According to the official document that she finally received, Xiao is being charged with "subverting the national government."

    We thank God for the release of Ding Guizhen and the official notification of the charges. Pray that international pressure against the Chinese government and its policy of religious persecution will continue. Pray for the lawyers planning a defense and for the family members of Xiao and Zhang.

  • Another Christian Arrested

    Liu Fenggang
    Liu Fenggang

    On October 16, The Voice of the Martyrs learned of the arrest of a Beijing house-church member, Liu Fenggang, by Public Security Bureau (PSB) authorities in Zhejiang Province, China. The exact time and place of his arrest are unknown, but he had been traveling to meet with underground church leaders, including some recently released from custody.

    On October 15, Zhejiang PSB officers, along with Beijing police, raided Liu's home, confiscating two computers, his address book, cameras, documents and other items. PSB officers are using the address book, along with numbers stored on Liu's cellular phone, to contact those listed. PSB officers told his wife, Bi Yu-xia, that her husband was facing charges of "leaking national secrets" to those outside of China. They informed her that he is held in "soft detention" rather than criminal detention. However, she was not given the official documents needed to hire an attorney.

    The Voice of the Martyrs has learned the phone and fax numbers for the Xiao-Shan PSB office, which is believed to have ordered the arrest of Brother Liu. We particularly encourage Chinese-speaking believers to contact them to politely express your concern for Liu. The phone number, from North America, is 011-86-571-82622514. The fax number is 011-86-571-82377550. We also encourage you to contact the Chinese embassy in your country. Contact information for Canada, USA, and the UN is available on our website at https://www.vomcanada.com/links.htm.

  • Arrested Believers Located

    A VOM source has discovered the location of three Chinese Christians arrested on September 26-27 (click here for more details on the arrest). According to the source, Xio Bi-guang, Zhang Yi-nan, and Zhang's wife, Ding Guizhen, are being held at the Detention Center of Lushan County in Henan Province. Local officials have not been permitted to question them as the case is being handled by the provincial Public Security Bureau (PSB) and the Bureau of State Security, the Chinese equivalent of the CIA. This suggests that the authorities consider these prisoners to be important leaders in the house church movement.

    Despite a law requiring that family members be officially notified of arrests within twenty-four hours, as of last Saturday, none of the families had received official word of the arrests. VOM contacts were able to inform Xio's wife, Gou Qinghu, of her husband's whereabouts. She is planning to hire lawyers to launch a formal inquiry into his case.

    Zhang is reportedly been fasting and praying since his arrest and remains very strong, spiritually. Continue to pray for those arrested, as well as family members and friends. Pray that they will have a positive influence on those detaining them. Pray also for their release.

    VOM has learned the phone number of the PSB office overseeing the Detention Center of Lushan County. We encourage Christians, especially those who speak Chinese, to call in support of these Christians. The number to call from U.S.A. and Canada is 011-86-375-5071209. We also encourage you to contact the Chinese embassy in your country to politely raise your concerns. For contact information for Canada, U.S.A. and the UN, go to https://www.vomcanada.com/links.htm.

  • Death Sentences Lifted for South China Church Leaders

    The Voice of the Martyrs learned this morning that leaders of the South China Church have had their sentences reduced after a retrial ordered by the Hubei Province Supreme Court.

    A report received from our U.S. mission reported that four of the church leaders were declared innocent and released immediately. SCC founder Gong Shengliang and two other men, Xiu Fuming and Hu Yong , were sentenced to life in prison. They had been facing execution. Journalist Li Ying, the SCC's second-in-command and the publisher of an underground church magazine, was sentenced to 15 years in prison, along with Bang Kun Gong. In the original trial, Li Ying was given a death sentence.

    During the retrial, the court dropped all "evil cult" charges against the South China Church leaders. One judge told members of Pastor Gong's family privately that he should be released.

    "This is obviously a step in the right direction," said Gary Lane, U.S. spokesman for The Voice of the Martyrs, "but it doesn't end the injustice. These men and women are not criminals. They are Christians, serving the Lord and worshipping as they see fit."

    The retrial comes as Chinese President Jiang Zemin prepares to visit the United States later this month. He will be meeting with President Bush and other US leaders.

    "This is clearly a public relations move by the Chinese," said Lane. "It is a gift for President Bush in advance of Jiang's trip. But public relations moves don't address the brutality and injustice that Christians face in China every single day. Our hope is that President Bush will forcefully and honestly raise this issue during Jiang's visit." According to the Information Center for Human Rights and Democracy, based in Hong Kong, the church leaders plan to appeal their sentences.

    The SCC leaders have faced harsh treatment in prison. According to VOM sources, the court ruled that the prisoners are forbidden to have Bibles, and copies of the Scripture sent by their families have been confiscated. In addition, they have been forbidden to pray out loud in their cells. Other inmates have been ordered to interrupt their prayers and not allow them, and to report any prayers to prison officers. Some of the SCC leaders have also been severely beaten in prison.

    While The Voice of the Martyrs rejoices with the families of those who have been released, we encourage Christians from around the world to continue to uphold in prayer those who remain in prison and to continue to write letters to Chinese embassies on behalf of Pastor Gong, Li Ying and the others who are still in prison.

  • Three More Christians Arrested

    Two Christians were arrested on Friday and a third on Sunday in Ping Ding Shan, Henan Province, China. According to VOM sources, more than twenty Public Security Bureau (PSB) officers arrested Xiao Bi-guang and Zhang Yi-nan on Friday morning. On Sunday, Zhang's wife, Ding Guizhen was arrested at the hospital where she worked as a doctor.

    The whereabouts of Xiao and Zhang are unknown and the families have received no official notification. Ding is currently being held in the PSB office. The home of Zhang and Ding was also searched and various possessions were confiscated, including computers and books.

    Xiao is an active member of a Beijing house church and had served three years in a labour camp for providing "spiritual aid" for an independent labour union. Xiao's wife was previously a theology teacher at the state-approved Beijing Theological Seminary until it was learned that she was involved in an unregistered house church.

    Zhang is a church historian for the underground churches in China and has been one of the main writers for the Unity Movement, which includes four major unregistered house church groups in China.

    Please pray for the release of Xiao Bi-guang, Zhang Yi-nan and Ding Guizhen. Pray for an assurance of Christ's presence with them. Pray for protection for thousands of other Christians worshipping in secret throughout China.

    We encourage you to contact the Chinese embassy in your country and urge them to release these believers. For contact information for embassies in Canada and the UN, visit our website at https://www.vomcanada.com/links.htm.