Official Charged After Disrupting Service

A man studying scripture
An evangelist in Indonesia.
Photo: VOMC

On February 18th, a local village official forced his way into a church service in the Indonesian village of Rajabasa Jaya and demanded that the Christians stop worshipping immediately. He claimed that the church was meeting without a permit. Other villagers also joined in the attack and, during the turmoil, one of the intruders attempted to choke the pastor. For more details on the initial incident, go to this page.

Because of the violent nature of the confrontation, the situation was referred to the police and charges were laid against the instigating village official, Wawan Kurniawan. After charges of blasphemy were considered, Wawan was eventually only charged with "intrusion," in part because of a settlement reached between the accused and members of the church. Wawan agreed to publicly apologize to the Christians and grant the congregation a temporary permit to continue using the building for worship. In exchange, the church members agreed to leave any prosecution against Wawan to the authorities.

Some Christian leaders are concerned about the perceived inequality of the prosecutor's decision, believing there would have been a far harsher punishment if similar actions were taken against a Muslim prayer service. "The authorities, I think, should treat citizens equally before the law," states Lukas Sutrisno, an Indonesian church planter. Without consistency in the ways that the regulations are applied, Christians in Indonesia have concerns that such disruptions could reoccur.

Pray that there will be consistency in the ways that governing and judicial officials apply the policies and laws of Indonesia. In the meanwhile, may this church continue serving as a testimony of God's love and grace to all the community members around them, so that many others will be drawn to faith in Christ. More specifically, pray that the Holy Spirit will work mightily in Wawan's life through this incident, softening his heart and leading him to acknowledge Jesus as his personal Saviour and Lord.

  • Country Information

    279,476,346 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Javanese (40.1), Sundanese (15.5), Malay (3.7), Balak (3.6), Madurese (3), Betawi (2.9), Minangkabau (2.7), Buginese (2.7), Bantenese (2), Other (23.8)

    Religion (%)
    Muslim (87.2), Christian (9.9), Hindu (1.7), Other (0.9), Unspecified (0.4)

    President Joko Widodo (2014)

    Government type
    Presidential republic

    Legal system
    Civil law system based on the Roman-Dutch model and influenced by customary law

    Sources: CIA World Factbook.

  • Pray for Indonesia

    Pray for the continued growth of the church in Indonesia, despite the intense opposition and persecution that has taken place. May the destructive plans of the enemy to eradicate Christianity be frustrated and nullified.

    Pray that whatever is intended for evil, God will turn around for good – causing such hatred and violence to not only discredit extremism, but to also compel many to seek salvation in Christ... including the perpetrators of persecution.

Indonesia News

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    A group of believers is worshipping together.
    Believers worship faithfully amidst much opposition.
    Photo: VOMC

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  • Mob Attack Forces Church to Host Services Online
    A woman is standing with her hands lifted and eyes closed. She is with a congregation.
    A worship gathering in Indonesia.
    Photo: VOMC

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