Anti-Christian graffiti and slurs against Jesus were spray-painted onto a Jerusalem church late last February. The words "Death to Christianity" were written on the wall of the Baptist Narkis Street Congregation church building along with the words "Price Tag" -- a slogan used by Jewish extremists. "Price tag" attacks are occurring all over Israel, and these targeted acts of destruction are meant to suggest that vandalism is the "price" that must be paid by non-Jews for the evacuation and demolition of Jewish settlements. The tires of several cars parked on church property were also slashed. The vandalism was similar to property damage which occurred two weeks previous on the 11th-century Monastery of the Cross, which is also in west Jerusalem.
When asked to comment on the attack by a local reporter, a VOM contact in the region said, "Jesus told us persecution would happen, and he told us to forgive when it does happen."
Pray that the Lord will soften the perpetrators' hearts and lead them to seek forgiveness. Please pray that the Christians affected by these attacks will be patient in affliction (Romans 12:12).
To learn more about anti-Christian sentiments in Israel, visit the Israel Country Report.