Pastor Arrested After Large Protest

Link - video interview with Nitin Sardar.
Watch the video interview with Nitin Sardar.

A protest led by Hindu militants against alleged religious conversions resulted in a standoff with police and charges against a Christian pastor. On Sunday, October 17th, activists belonging to two Hindu nationalist organizations, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad and the Bajrang Dal, forced their way into a small church in Hubballi, a city located in the southern Indian state of Karnataka. A video of the incident shows dozens of protesters sitting inside the Bairidevarkoppa Church singing Hindu devotional songs.

As the protest grew, eventually a local BJP politician coordinated a demonstration blocking a highway, demanding the arrest of Pastor Somu Avaradhi. Local media reported major traffic disruptions as a result. Ultimately, charges were laid against Pastor Somu for "deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings." Three other Christians were also questioned and released.

Allegedly, a man known as Vishvanath claimed that he was taken to the church and coerced to convert to Christianity. He further claimed that, over the next three months, he was "abused" by the pastor for wearing vermillion, a scarlet powder commonly used in Hindu ceremonies. Pastor Somu insists that Vishvanath had converted of his own free will.

Hindu nationalist groups have consistently gained power and influence throughout India, often in association with the nationalist BJP political party. Under BJP control, the state of Karnataka recently ordered that an investigation be conducted on all churches, ministers and missionaries. This study comes in preparation for proposals to enact anti-conversion laws in the state, similar to those found in several other Indian states. Some members of a legislative committee have even recommended withdrawing all government benefits to those who convert from Hinduism to Christianity. Go to this page for a video interview with Nitin Sardar of Dindandhu Ministries, who discusses the ways in which anti-conversion laws are being used to exploit Christians in India.

Pray for wisdom on behalf of the members of this church, as well as other believers who are encountering similar incidents throughout Karnataka, as they determine the best way to carry out their ministry activities in the face of growing hostility. Pray that the truth will prevail in the case against Pastor Somu, and that the charges against him will be dropped. May God radically change the hearts of those who oppose the Gospel in India, leading them to turn in faith to Christ through the ministry of the Holy Spirit by revealing the wonderful love and eternal hope that can only be found in Him.

India Information

  • Current Ministry Projects

    VOMC assists persecuted Christians with legal support and rehabilitation assistance, and cares for children of martyrs by providing them with a safe place to be nurtured physical and spiritually. VOMC also partners to equip Christians in India with Biblical training and works to strengthen and support marginalized and persecuted Christian women. Additionally, VOMC helps to provide medical assistance to believers who have faced injuries after being attacked.”

    Project Funds: Families of Martyrs, Equipping the Saints, Legal Defense, Relief and Development, Women’s Ministry, Medical Fund

  • Country Information

    1,399,179,585 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Indo-Aryan (72), Dravidian (25), other (3)

    Religion (%)
    Hinduism (79.8), Muslim (14.2), Christianity (2.3), Sikh (1.7), other (2)

    President Droupadi Murmu (2022)

    Government type
    Federal parliamentary republic

    Legal system
    Based on English common law; separate personal law codes apply to Christians, Hindus and Muslims.

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for India

    Despite the intimidation and violence that have taken place in many of India's states, may Christians wisely yet unashamedly preach the Gospel. Pray that indigenous Christians and foreign missionaries will minister in ways that do not hint at fraudulent conversions, unmasking the intentions behind the anti-conversion legislation. Intercede for India's leaders, that they may reign with justice and righteousness.

India News

  • Special Video Edition
    Greg Musselman is praying with a family. The parents' hands are covered with the clay from brick making. One of the two small children is looking up to the Daddy.
    Photo: VOMC

    Thank you for your continued faithfulness, compassion and partnership in praying for our Christian brothers and sisters who suffer persecution for the sake of righteousness. This week's special video edition of the Persecution & Prayer Alert focusses on the importance of prayer.