
Detainment / Arrest

  • Chen Wensheng Sentenced to 19 Months
    Chen Wensheng is smiling.
    Chen Wensheng
    Photo: ChinaAid

    Chen Wensheng is no stranger to arrests and police intimidation. A radically reformed former drug addict, the Christian evangelist has travelled throughout China to share his testimony, gaining the nickname of "Gospel Warrior." (See these other reports about this faithful believer.)

  • Armenian Christian Faces Ten-Year Sentence
    Hakop Gochumyan
    Hakop Gochumyan
    Photo: Article18

    Hakop Gochumyan and his wife Elisa are citizens of Armenia who went to Iran for vacation in August 2023. While the Christian couple and their two children were having dinner at a friend's house, agents from the Ministry of Intelligence raided the property. The authorities took the Christian family to the home of Elisa's grandmother, where the believers had been staying, and proceeded to search the residence. During the raid, Christian books and other personal belongings were confiscated. The couple was then taken to Evin Prison where they faced interrogation and intense psychological torture.

  • Verdict Expected for Priest Charged with Espionage
    An Orthodox Church of Ukraine monastery is surrounded by trees with a city in the background.
    An "Orthodox Church of Ukraine" monastery.
    Photo: Wikipedia / Rbrechko (cc)

    When Father Kostiantyn Maksimov was taken captive by Russian occupation forces in May 2023, little was known about the whereabouts of the Ukrainian Orthodox priest. In late March 2024, the Russian prosecutor for the Zaporizhzhia Region announced that Father Kostiantyn would be facing espionage charges. (For more details, see this report.)

  • New Health Concerns for Elder Zhang Chunlei
    Zhang Chunlei with his wife
    Elder Zhang Chunlei and his wife
    Photo: ChinaAid

    Zhang Chunlei is an elder with the Ren'ai Reformed Church in Guiyang, China. He was detained in March 2021 and remained in detention without charge until his trial in November 2022, when he was accused of "inciting subversion of state power." The trial was held in secret, without any witnesses, and a verdict has never been announced since then. In the meantime, Elder Zhang continues to remain imprisoned. (Review previously published reports about this church leader's case.)

  • Persistent Harassment Against Church Deacons
    Ding Shuqi and Jia Xuewei
    Jia Xuewei (right) with his friend, Ding Shuqi
    Photo: ChinaAid

    In 2018, the Early Rain Covenant Church was violently raided by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities, resulting in multiple arrests. Since then, members of the church have continued to face harassment, including a church deacon named Jia Xuewei. Click here for previous reports on Jia's situation.

  • Esmaeil Narimanpour Sentenced to Prison
    Esmaeil Narimanpour
    Esmaeil Narimanpour
    Photo: Article18

    On Christmas Eve of 2023, Esmaeil Narimanpour was apprehended by security forces. The Iranian follower of Jesus was charged with "acting against national security by communicating with Christian 'Zionist' organizations." As of April 30th, he was released on bail after spending more than four months in detention. For more details relating to his case, see these previously posted reports.

  • Raymond Koh's Wife Demands Answers
    Raymond Koh is posing with his wife, two daughters, and son.
    Raymond Koh and his family.
    Photo: VOM USA

    Pastor Raymond Koh was no stranger to persecution when he was abducted off the streets of Malaysia on February 13th, 2017. The incident was caught on security cameras and, although no information about Pastor Raymond's captors has ever been released by the authorities, it is believed that government security forces were responsible for the incident. Video footage of the abduction is available here. For previously published reports about the missing pastor, see this list.

  • Christians Imprisoned for 20 Years Without Charge
    Rev G. Gebregiorgis, Kiflu Gebremeskel, Futsum Gebrenegus, Meron Gebreselasie, Tekleab Mengisteab, Haile Nayzgi
    Photos: Christian Solidarity Worldwide / Human
    Rights Concern Eritrea / Release Eritrea

    On May 23rd, 2004, Eritrean authorities arrested two pastors from the Full Gospel Church in Eritrea: Dr. Kiflu Gebremeskel and Pastor Haile Nayzgi. The arrests were made in response to a government ban instituted in 2002 against all but four of the country's religious communities. Throughout 2004, arrests continued against pastors of the banned organization, which consisted of between 120 and 150 home church congregations at the time. Pastor Meron Gebreselasie was arrested in June 2004. Then in November of that year, Dr. Futsum Gebrenegus, Dr. Tekleab Mengisteab and Rev. Gebremedhin Gebregiorgis were also detained.

  • Recent Passing of Imprisoned Church Leader
    Reverend Ghirmay Araya
    Reverend Ghirmay Araya
    Photo: Release Eritrea

    Reverend Ghirmay Araya was one of the founders of the Full Gospel Church in Eritrea. Under the country's oppressive regime, the denomination was banned in 2002 and its senior leaders were imprisoned in 2004. Over the decades since, thousands of other Eritreans have been imprisoned for their faith, often enduring torture and inhumane treatment.

  • Pastor Meets with Imprisoned Zafar Bhatti
    Zafar Bhatti
    Zafar Bhatti
    Photo: Pakistan Christian Post

    Zafar Bhatti has been held in prison for 12 years on allegations of blasphemy. Although initially sentenced to life imprisonment in 2017, the Christian man's punishment was changed to include the death penalty in January 2022. During his time in prison, Zafar has faced various health issues. Diagnosed with diabetes, he suffered two minor heart attacks in 2019 and another in 2020. For previously published reports on Zafar's case, go to this page.

  • Detained Christian Convert Released on Bail
    Esmaeil Narimanpour
    Esmaeil Narimanpour
    Photo: Article 18

    Christian convert Esmaeil Narimanpour was detained at his home on Christmas Eve in 2023. When his family members attempted to inquire about his situation, they were subjected to interrogation by security forces for several hours. For more details on this incident, go to this page.

  • Members of Raided Church Detained
    Elder Chang Shun is holding his little boy. Both are smiling.
    Elder Chang Shun and his son. 
    Photo: ChinaAid

    On March 10th, the members of the Maizhong Reformed Church in Fuyang, Anhui province, were gathered at a restaurant when their meeting was suddenly raided by local police. Without showing identification or giving reasons for the raid, the police began interrogating the Christians. Officials from the local religious affairs bureau, along with national security agents, also entered the restaurant and began taking pictures.

  • College Student Accused of Blasphemy
    A smiling Ashbeel Ghauri stands in a doorway.
    Ashbeel Ghauri
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Ashbeel Ghauri was recently arrested following accusations from a former classmate that he had allegedly disrespected Islam during a WhatsApp conversation. According to Ashbeel's father, Babar, the young Christian man had engaged in conversation several times with Sheraz Gulistan and other Muslims who attempted to convert him to Islam. Babar believes that Sheraz implicated Ashbeel after the young man refused to renounce his faith in Christ.

  • Christian Sentenced for Leading Prayer Meetings
    Nay Y Blang is standing in court.
    Nay Y Blang in court.
    Photo: Radio Free Asia / Cong An Nhan Dan

    Nay Y Blang is a member of the Central Highlands Evangelical Church of Christ – a religious group that is not officially recognized by the Vietnamese Communist Party. In May 2023, the Christian leader was arrested and charged with taking advantage of "democratic freedom to infringe upon the interests of the state," as well as "the legitimate rights and interests of organizations and individuals." These accusations arose from the prayer meetings he had been holding in his home.

  • Christians Arrested for Leading Children in Worship
    Children of Early Rain Covenant Church are singing together.
    Christians in China faithfully disciple their children.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    According to an anonymous prayer letter received by ChinaAid, three Christians were arrested and detained on January 18th because they had led children from their church in singing hymns and prayer. The next day, police raided the homes of the three detained church members, who have been identified as Dai Chuanli, Wang Dandan and Ma Jiahui. Each of these believers was given a 15-day administrative detention.

  • At Least 30 Arrested at a Birthday Gathering
    A birthday cake with a candle in the shape of the numeral "1" is in the foreground. A person in handcuffs is in the shadows.

    On January 20th, 30 Christian adults, plus an unknown number of children, were arrested in Eritrea when police raided a party that was held in celebration of an infant's first birthday. The incident took place in the capital city of Asmara at the home of a Christian couple who was hosting a gathering of family and friends to celebrate the birthday of their firstborn child.

  • Christian Detained on Christmas Eve
    Esmaeil Narimanpour
    Esmaeil Narimanpour
    Photo: Article 18

    Esmaeil Narimanpour* is an Iranian believer who has faced repeated detentions because of his faith in Christ. In April 2021, he was detained along with three others and tortured by the authorities. Two days later, due to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, these four Christians were released on the condition that they would agree to return to custody when summoned (read more). Although they were eventually cleared of any criminal offence in November of that same year, they were ordered to take "re-education" classes about Islam.

  • Pastor Arrested for Controversial Remarks
    A strong light shines on a steeple against a dark sky. The image includes the text, ''The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?'' ~ Psalm 27:1

    Pastor Jerome Fernando is the leader of the Glorious Church in Katunayake, Sri Lanka. Along with his regular church ministry role, he also holds evangelistic meetings in various areas of the world. As a prominent religious leader, his messages are heard by many online, as well as by those attending his speaking engagements in person.

  • Church Leaders Detained in Raid
    Men sitting around a table.
    Early Rain Covenant Church members.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    On the morning of November 9th, Elder Li Yingqiang – along with a few other church leaders from the Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu, Sichuan Province – were visiting a new church that had been established in Dazhou, which is about 400 kilometres away. There, the believers of the two churches worshipped together, held a baptismal service and shared communion. However, this special service was abruptly interrupted when police from multiple departments forcefully entered the building.

  • Bible College Graduation Raided
    Christians gathered at a table in a police station.
    Some of the believers who were taken to the police station.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    The Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu, China, has faced particularly harsh opposition by Chinese Communist Party officials over recent years. Despite the ongoing oppression they've encountered, members of this church remain determined in their efforts to continue reaching their community for Christ and training others of their congregation for evangelism. To read previously published reports on the various challenges experienced by this faithful fellowship of believers, see this list.