Christian Blogger Faces Abuse in Prison

Fatemeh (Mary) Mohammadi - Photo: Middle East Concern
Fatemeh (Mary) Mohammadi
Photo: Middle East Concern

Fatemeh (Mary) Mohammadi, a Christian convert and outspoken critic of the oppression being experienced by the Iranian people, has had to endure imprisonment and abuse. Initially arrested in November 2017, she was sentenced to six months in prison for her "membership in proselytizing groups," as well as her participation in Christian activity and the spreading of propaganda. Although released in the spring of 2018, Mary was arrested again in July 2019 prior to being freed on bail. In December, she was unexpectedly banned from continuing her education at the Islamic Adad University.

In the wake of protests following the downing of a Ukrainian airliner, Mary was arrested again on January 12th. This time, she was severely beaten and humiliated while held at a detention centre. Since being transferred to the Qauchak prison, she has faced further mistreatment. This young Christian woman has recently been charged with "disturbing public order through attending an unlawful protest." And while her bail was set, the prosecutor refused to accept payment, leaving her in limbo and the prospect of enduring ongoing abuse in prison. To learn more about Christian persecution in Iran, see the country report.

Please prayerfully go before the Throne of our Righteous Judge, petitioning for Mary's soon release from prison and, as a result, her deliverance from further violence. May she take great comfort in knowing that the Lord is working on her behalf and that His angels are being commissioned to provide her needed protection. Also pray that His profound presence will be manifested in the courts, giving all involved in Mary's case a keen awareness of His reality. In fact, may all in Iran who are earnestly seeking truth discover the spiritual freedom and peace that comes when acknowledging God's Son, Jesus Christ, as their personal Saviour and Lord.

  • Current Ministry Fund

    By funding television broadcasts, VOMC is making it possible for a vast audience of viewers to be reached throughout Iran with the "Good News" of Jesus' love via satellite.

    Project Fund: Underground Church

  • Country Information


    87,590,873 (2023 est.)

    Persian, Azeri, Kurd, Lur, Baloch, Arab, Turkmen and Turkic tribes

    Religion (%)
    Islam (98.5), Christian (0.7), Baha'i (0.3), agnostic (0.3), other (0.2)

    Ayatollah Ali Hoseini-Khamenei (1989)

    Government type
    Theocratic republic

    Legal system
    Religious legal system based on secular and Islamic law

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for Iran

    As the Gospel message goes forth over the airwaves, may the growth of the church continue to multiply despite persecution. Pray that the Iranian government will be open to change, allowing full rights and protection for its non-Muslim citizens as well. In the meantime, may those who are forced to flee the country find safe refuge and help so they can live in peace and worship the Lord with freedom.

Iran News

  • Special Video Edition
    Greg Musselman is praying with a family. The parents' hands are covered with the clay from brick making. One of the two small children is looking up to the Daddy.
    Photo: VOMC

    Thank you for your continued faithfulness, compassion and partnership in praying for our Christian brothers and sisters who suffer persecution for the sake of righteousness. This week's special video edition of the Persecution & Prayer Alert focusses on the importance of prayer.