Siham Qandah has, over the last ten weeks, experienced continual delays in the custody battle between the legal Muslim guardian of her two children and herself.
Qandah family (source unknown)
The guardian, her estranged brother, has failed to appear at hearings, leaving her with the imminent threat of losing her children. She is currently protected by a temporary injunction. She has support from members of the royal family, but they are reluctant to intervene because, as one member of the family stated to Compass Direct (December 9), "We do not want to be accused of tampering with the judiciary." Even with their support and the attempted intervention of U.S. Congress members, she says, "Everyone is giving me promises but no one is really doing anything. I am only counting on God and all the prayers of His people." The lack of support from the judiciary system despite evidence of misappropriated funds by the guardian has left her feeling quite discouraged
Pray that the courts will decisively rule in her favour. Also pray that she will have the peace of God in the face of continual stress.
Graffiti on the footpath outside a Christian home. Photo: Middle East Concern
Messianic believers in Arad, southern Israel, have been targeted by the Gur Hasidim, a strict Orthodox Jewish sect. Recently, graffiti was written on the footpath outside the home of some believers, stating that "the mission" – a term used by Gur members in reference to the fellowship of Messianic Christians – was "a tragedy for the Jewish people."
A suspected arson attack took place in June on a church near the shores of the historical Sea of Galilee, resulting in the injury of two people and causing serious damage to the church facility. An elderly monk and a German volunteer needed hospital treatment for smoke inhalation after the attack on the Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes in Tabgha village. While there was minor damage to the main worship hall, other areas were badly affected. Graffiti was also painted inside the church during the attack with a warning: "The false gods will be eliminated."
No one has been arrested in connection with the blaze but 16 Jewish youths were taken in for questioning before being released. In April of last year, young Jewish extremists desecrated crosses and an altar at the same church. Local bishops have called on Jews, Christians and Muslims to stand in solidarity against "violence and extremism." It is reported that attacks by extremists on churches and Christian-owned property are now common.
The Galilee church was built in the 1980s on the site of ancient places of worship that commemorated the spot where Jesus fed the five thousand with loaves and fish. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described the recent arson incident as "an attack on all of us," promising to bring the culprits to justice.
Let's cry out for the nation of Israel, requesting peace within its walls so the people would remain secure, having no fear of harm (Psalm 122:6-9). May its citizens -- representing all faiths -- stand together against extremism and violence in this troubled region, promoting unity and religious tolerance. Ask God to work within the hearts of those perpetrating these hateful crimes so they will turn from evil and do good. Thank the Lord, who neither slumbers nor sleeps, for watching over Israel and its inhabitants (Psalm 121:4). He is ever faithful!
Pray for the safety of Christians in the Holy Land.
Leaflets distributed recently in East Jerusalem are warning Christians to leave the city before the end of Ramadan on July 18th or risk being killed. The leaflets are attributed to a group its own members refer to as the "Islamic State in Palestine."
While Muslim and Christian religious leaders have been quick to condemn the leaflets, alarmed Christians residing in Jerusalem have requested prayer. As recently reported in one of our previously posted prayer alerts, there have been a number of recent incidents targeting Christians in Jerusalem's Old City, as well as reports of mounting pressure on Palestinian Christians amid fears of local Muslims being radicalized. To review this earlier report, please click here.
Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Jerusalem who are increasingly concerned over the threats made by militants against their Christian community. Ask God to grant them a greater awareness of His reassuring presence, peace, guidance and protection (Psalm 122:6-8). And for those who are in opposition of these faithful followers of Christ, pray that the reverential fear of our Lord will come upon them so they may repent and wholeheartedly turn to Him as their blessed Saviour!
Pray for the peace and safety of the people in Israel. Photo: Flickr/Noam Chen for the Israeli Ministry of Tourism
There is concern that a large number of Muslims residing in Palestinian territories and Israel have become "radicalized," creating deepening divisions between faith communities. Church leaders report that tensions between Muslims and Christians have risen since 2014, with some blaming the rise of Islamic State and extremist ideologies.
After being the target of recent attacks and inflammatory speeches, Palestinian Christians are now feeling unsafe. In February, those residing in Nazareth were alarmed by the appearance of a billboard ordering them not to spread their faith or talk about Jesus in a way that contradicts the Quran. In East Jerusalem, an imam at the Al-Aqsa Mosque posted an online video urging Muslims to be in a constant state of war against the "polytheist enemy," namely Christians, and also against Jews.
About one month ago, a mob attack took place in the Christian Quarter of Jerusalem, following a row between a Christian and a Muslim. In addition, an Ethiopian monastery was spray-painted with anti-Christian messages. Local Muslim leaders have since apologized for the mob violence and are reportedly working to halt the spread of extremism.
Let us pray for God's peace and protection to reign over all the inhabitants of the Holy Land. May moderate Muslims unite with the targeted Christian members of their communities in the stand against extremism in its various forms, promoting religious tolerance and goodwill toward all humankind. Ask that the followers of Jesus be strengthened and encouraged as they continue to fulfill His call to be "salt" and "light" in our world, which includes the Holy Land.