Since Siham's brother first attempted to remove her children from her custody in 1998, Siham has been fighting in the courts in an attempt to retain custody of her children: Rawan (16) and Fadi (15). In an April 12 court decision, Judge Mahmud Zghl ruled that Siham's brother, Abdullah al-Muhtadi, had misused the children's trust fund when he repeatedly failed to prove that he had spent 750 Jordanian dinars ($1,300 CDN) on a refrigerator for the children. Al-Muhtadi has thirty days to appeal the judge's decision.
Praise God that this decision has been made. Pray that any appeals will be unsuccessful and that the children will be able to stay with their mother and be raised as Christians. Pray that Siham's brother will understand the grace and love of Jesus Christ.
More details on this case and the situation facing Christians in Jordan are available (click here).