Jordan Update: Appeal Granted

Jordan Information
- Country Information
11,086,716 (2023 est.)Ethnicity (%)
Jordanian (69.3), Syrian (13.3), Palestinian (6.7), Egyptian (6.7), Iraqi (1.4), Other (2.6)Religion (%)
Muslim (97.1), Christian (2.1), Buddhist (0.4), Hindu (0.1), Jewish (<.1), Other (0.3)Leader
King Abdallah II (1999)Government type
Parliamentary constitutional monarchyLegal system
Mixed system developed from codes instituted by the Ottoman Empire (based on French law), British common law, and Islamic lawSource: CIA World Factbook
- Pray for Jordan
Pray that Christians who face opposition from those around them will remain faithful to Christ.
Pray that the Jordanian government will recognize the religious rights of all citizens.
Ask God to bring forth more church leaders and other servants of the Lord in Jordan to continue His work in the nation (Matthew 9:36-38).