Five Christians expelled

Five female Christians, four Spanish and one German, were recently expelled from Morocco on accusations of "proselytizing" Muslims. According to a March 31 report from Compass Direct, the women were among a group of tourists who were arrested by police while gathered for Bible study in the city of Casablanca on March 28. Officials seized Christian material, including Arabic books and videos. The believers were questioned by police and detained until the early hours of the next day. The women, who were deemed missionaries by the government, were deported to Spain.

Pray for true religious freedom in Morocco. Ask God to give wisdom to these believers as to how to continue serving Him. Pray for the church as it continues to establish itself within Moroccan society (1 Timothy 3:15).

Find out more about the persecution Christians face in Morocco at the Morocco Country Report.

  • Country Information

    37,067,420 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Arab-Berber (99), other (1)

    Religion (%)
    Muslim (99), Other - includes Christian (1)

    King Mohammed VI (1999)

    Government type
    Parliamentary constitutional monarchy

    Legal system
    Mixed legal system of civil law based on French law and Islamic law

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for Morocco

    Pray that many churches and mission agencies will take up the challenge of reaching out to the Muslims in Morocco with the love of Christ

    Pray those who are seeking Christ will come to faith in Him.

Morocco News

  • Evangelism Charges Dropped Against Convert

    The charges against Mohamed El Baladi, a convert to Christianity who was arrested for "shaking the faith of a Muslim," were recently overturned. While the judge ruled that Mohamed had engaged in general conversation about his faith, there was no evidence that he had coerced or offered financial incentives to others for converting.

  • Convert Tentatively Released from Prison

    Mohamed El Baladi was released from the Moroccan prison where he had been confined since his arrest in late August. However, the release has only been granted until his official appeal hearing, which is scheduled for October 10th. Mohamed was initially sentenced to two-and-a-half years' imprisonment for the crimes of evangelism and "shaking the faith of a Muslim." To review a previous report on this case, please click here.

  • Christian Convert Imprisoned for Evangelizing

    During a recent court hearing, a Moroccan Christian man was ordered to serve a two-and-a-half-year prison sentence for evangelizing Muslims. On August 28th, police raided the home of 34-year-old Mohamed el Baldi, of Ain Aicha, confiscating his Bible and about 30 additional Christian books. Following the raid, Mohamed was arrested and interrogated by police. At the court hearing, he was sentenced to 30 months in prison and fined 5,000 dirhams (about $600) for "shaking the faith of a Muslim."

  • Three secret believers arrested

    Three Christian men were arrested in a city café on March 1 in Morocco. During the arrest, police apparently gained information about other secret believers in the country. The arrest involved two young men who were meeting with an older believer from another city. While the two young men were released later that night, the older believer remains in custody. The families of the two young men did not know the men were following Christ. One of them was no longer welcome in his home once his beliefs were discovered.

    Many foreign Christians were expelled from Morocco two years ago, and this had a significant impact on the Church as anti-Christian sentiment seems to be growing in the country. Moroccan believers now meet in small groups for fear of persecution. While becoming a Christian in Morocco is not actually illegal, it is forbidden to share the gospel with non-Christians.

    Please pray that Moroccan Christians will continue to gather despite the threats of reprisals. Pray that the believer in prison will remain strong in his faith and will be freed. Pray that Moroccan Christians' passion for Christ will be the light that draws others to Jesus (Matthew 5:14-16).

    For more information on persecution in Morocco, please visit the Morocco Country Report.