Refused the Right to Convert

In 1998, Azlina Jailani became a Christian and adopted the name Lina Joy. She then began a process to have her religious status changed from Muslim to Christian on her identity card; a process which has now taken six years.

According to Compass Direct, Lina Joy's case was rejected in May 2001, when a judge ruled, "As a Malay, the plaintiff exists under the tenets of Islam until her death." He also ruled that, since this was a religious matter, the case should be heard by the Islamic Sharia court, rather than the secular court. Since Islamic law declares that conversion from Islam is punishable by death, Joy knew that a Sharia court would not rule in her favour. She appealed the decision, on the basis of the Malaysian constitution which guarantees freedom of religion. Her case was heard by the Court of Appeal on October 14 and a decision is expected shortly.

Under Malaysian law, apostates from Islam can face a three year sentence in a "faith rehabilitation center," where counselors try to persuade them to return to Islam. If they fail to repent in that time, they could face an additional six years. A similar case was heard by the High Court in July 2004, which upheld the sentence of four converts to Christianity.

Pray for Lina Joy and other Christians facing discrimination and prison for their faith in Jesus Christ. Pray for strength to endure and the wisdom and faith to stand.

For more information on persecution of Christians in Malaysia, click here.

  • Country Information

    34,219,975 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Bumiputera (63.8 - Malays and indigenous peoples), Chinese (20.6), Indian (6), others (0.6), non-citizens (9)

    Religion (%)
    Muslim (63.5), Buddhist (18.7), Christian (9.1), Hindu (6.1), Confucianism, Taoism, other traditional Chinese religions (0.9), Other (1.8),

    King Sultan Ibrahim ibni al-Marhum Sultan Iskandar (2024)

    Government type
    Federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy

    Legal system
    Mixed legal system of English common law, Islamic law, and customary law; judicial review of legislative acts in the Federal Court at request of supreme head of the federation

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for Malaysia

    Pray that Christians will stand firm in their faith, despite opposition

    Pray that Malaysian Christians will be free to practice their faith in Jesus Christ.

    Pray that all Christians in Malaysia will be able to freely access the Bible.

Malaysia News

  • Raymond Koh's Wife Demands Answers
    Raymond Koh is posing with his wife, two daughters, and son.
    Raymond Koh and his family.
    Photo: VOM USA

    Pastor Raymond Koh was no stranger to persecution when he was abducted off the streets of Malaysia on February 13th, 2017. The incident was caught on security cameras and, although no information about Pastor Raymond's captors has ever been released by the authorities, it is believed that government security forces were responsible for the incident. Video footage of the abduction is available here. For previously published reports about the missing pastor, see this list.

  • Fifth Anniversary of Pastor Raymond Koh's Disappearance
    Pastor Raymond Koh, Jonathan (son), Susanna (wife), and Esther (daughter)
    Pastor Raymond Koh, Jonathan (son),
    Susanna (wife), and Esther (daughter)
    Photo (family): Free Malaysia Today

    On February 13th, 2017, surveillance cameras captured Pastor Raymond Koh being forced to bring his vehicle to a sudden stop before masked men abducted him in an operation that appeared to be executed with military precision. The abducted pastor has not been seen nor heard from since the incident. Under suspicion of state police for attempting to convert ethnic Malays to Christianity, Pastor Raymond and his wife Susanna received death threats prior to the incident.

  • "Release Raymond Koh" Petition
    Where is Raymond Koh?

    On February 13th, 2017, Pastor Raymond Koh was abducted from the streets of Malaysia. He hasn't been seen or heard from since, and his car has never been located. Video footage of the entire crime was captured by nearby security cameras.

  • State Police Found Responsible for Disappearances
    Pastor Raymond Koh - Photo: World Watch Monitor
    Pastor Raymond Koh

    Pastor Raymond Koh disappeared on February 13th, 2017 when his car was forced to stop and he was abducted in broad daylight by masked men (see this report). On April 3rd of this year, the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia released findings that placed blame for the attack on the "Special Branch" of the state police.