Photo: Morning Star News
The militant Islamic group Boko Haram released a video on September 22nd showing the execution of Lawrence Duna Dacighir and Godfrey Ali Shikagham. These two Christian men had left their homes in Abuja and travelled to Maiduguri in order to help build shelters for those displaced by recent violence.
In the video, one of the three terrorists vowed to kill every Christian they captured, saying it would be done in revenge for Muslims who were killed in the country's past conflicts. It is unclear from the video exactly when the slain men were executed. For more reports on the violence facing Nigeria's Christians, go to our country report.
Please remember these slain men's families and friends as they mourn their terrible loss. Ask the Lord to provide greatly needed ministry and protection to all the Nigerians suffering persecution; the same applies to those who are trying to assist them. Pray that Nigeria's authorities will receive needed wisdom, strength and help as they work tirelessly to restore peace and security.