Leah Still in Captivity After Four Years

Leah Sharibu
Leah Sharibu

February 19th marked the fourth anniversary of the abduction of Leah Sharibu, a Nigerian schoolgirl who was kidnapped by Boko Haram terrorists when she was only 14 years old. Originally, 110 students were captured during the raid. Five died following the attack and, after negotiations, all remaining students were released except for Leah. According to reports from other students, the young teen continued to be held captive because she refused to renounce her Christian faith and convert to Islam (see this report).

Leah, who turns 19 years of age on May 14th, has reportedly been married off to one of her abductors and is rumoured to have two children. However, any such reports have come from others who escaped from Boko Haram captivity, and thus there is little certainty. During an interview in January of this year, Nigeria's Chief of Army Staff said that "concrete strategies are being put in place to secure the release not only of Leah Sharibu but also of all hostages held by the terrorists." However, any promises of government action have been limited.

This past Christmas, Leah's family admitted that they were tired of making calls to the government, for it seems as if their pleas for intervention have been falling on deaf ears. Instead, they've determined to remain silent and seek the continued prayers of concerned Christians around the world. In response to the family's wishes, The Voice of the Martyrs Canada joins in their ongoing call for prayer on behalf of Leah and the other abducted victims who need to be rescued from terrorist captivity.

Please continue to remember Leah in your prayers. If, in fact, she does have children, may she be a testimony of God's faithfulness and grace in their young lives, leading each one of them to a saving knowledge of Jesus. May the light of Christ shine brightly through Leah, dispelling the spiritual darkness around her, so that His truth and love will reach others whom she encounters while confined. Pray that the Nigerian government will take necessary action to ensure the freedom of all the victims remaining in captivity. In the meantime, may God's peace rest on each one of these victims, and their concerned family members, as they cling to the hope of being joyfully reunited with loved ones.

  • Current Ministry Projects

    VOMC works with in-country partners to encourage and strengthen persecuted Christians through a variety of methods. Christians are equipped with audio bibles to distribute to their persecutors. Christian widows receive skills training and trauma counselling as a way to provide an income for their families and heal from the trauma they’ve faced in losing their husbands. Children who have lost parents and relatives due to attacks are provided with a safe place to grow and be nurtured. Medical fees are paid for Christians who have suffered injuries due to attacks by Boko Haram and Fulani. Discipleship and vocational training are given to Muslim Background Believers to help them start their new lives spiritually and practically. The Glenn Penner Scholarship Award is used to help equip persecuted Christians completing their Masters and have a heart to share the Gospel with the lost in their community.

    Project Funds: Women’s Ministry, Bibles, Medical Fund, Families of Martyrs, Equipping the Saints, Relief & Development

  • Country Information

    230,842,743 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Hausa (30), Yoruba (15.5), Igbo (15.2), Fulani (6), Tiv (2.4), Kanuri/Beriberi (2.4), Ibibio (1.8), Izaw/Izon (1.8), Other (24.7)

    Religion (%)
    Islam (53.5), Christianity (45.9), Other (0.6)

    President Bola Ahmed Adekunle Tinubu (2023)

    Government type
    Federal presidential republic

    Legal system
    Mixed legal system of English common law, Islamic law (in 12 northern states), and traditional law

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for Nigeria

    May God minister great comfort and healing to all who have been injured or bereaved as a result of the militants' brutal attacks. In addition, pray for the remaining abducted Chibok schoolgirls, that they will be assured of the Lord's abiding presence as they await release from captivity. Continue to uphold President Tinubu and other members of the Nigerian government as they make further attempts to rescue the remaining girls and provide protection for vulnerable citizens. As they persevere in their endeavours to overcome terrorism, may they be granted wisdom, courage, strength and help from on high.

Nigeria News