About the TeamAbout the Team


Retreat Speaker

Helen Berhane is an Eritrean Gospel singer and Bible teacher who was arrested in 2003 during a raid on a house meeting where she had been ministering to young Christians. Beaten and imprisoned, she spent 32 months confined in a shipping container without adequate ventilation, light, sanitation or food. Helen was also subjected to torture regularly which included a severe and sustained assault by a prison guard in 2006 that almost killed her. Despite the resulting disability, she managed to escape to Sudan after her release from prison in November 2006. While there, she was obliged to maintain a low profile before eventually being granted asylum in Denmark, where she recovered from her injuries. Today, Helen continues to campaign for human rights, serving as the founder of Nightingale Ministry, an NGO that provides greatly needed funds to vulnerable people in Eritrea and the Tigray region of Ethiopia, as well as to the diaspora of Eritreans who have settled in other countries around the world.

Retreat Speaker

*Emily is a Christian from a hostile African nation who fled persecution with a few of her family members in 2013. She lived as a refugee in North Sudan and Uganda for nearly six years before immigrating to Canada in 2017 with her mother and two brothers. Her father, a Christian pastor, was arrested for his faith, and today – more than 20 years later – he continues to be held in an horrific prison without charge.

Emily currently works in public service as a Legislative Analyst. In her free time, she enjoys playing music, writing songs, serving a youth ministry here in Canada, and supporting an underground youth ministry in a persecuted country in Africa. She also volunteers with the refugee sponsorship program of her church in an administrative capacity.

*Names have been changed for security purposes.

VOMC's Manager of Special Projects, Retreat Organizer & Speaker

Vanessa has served the Voice of the Martyrs Canada and those connected to this ministry for the better part of 24 years. She has spoken across Canada for VOMC at homeschool conferences and women's retreats with the goal of equipping the church domestically to stand boldly for Christ, while faithfully coming alongside our brothers and sisters internationally. She has witnessed and experienced the deep waves of life and, through them all, discovered that God is faithful – ALWAYS!


VOMC's Special Projects and Engagement Assistant, Vanessa's right-hand gal

Kay Leigh has been serving with The Voice of the Martyrs Canada since early 2023.

She attends to details related to coordinating, planning, and ensuring the success and fruitfulness of events run by VOMC, with the goal of communicating the message to stand boldly for Christ.

Kay Leigh is passionate about seeing people begin to experience God in a new way, grow in their relationship with Him and ultimately find who God has made them to be.

Worship leader

Tiffany has had the highest privilege of leading God’s people in sincere worship for almost 2 decades. It is definitely one of her truest passions. She loves being amongst fellow worshippers.

She is a wife of one 😉 and mom of 2.  The things she enjoys most are family gatherings, puzzles, baseball games (playing or watching) …and, of course solely existing for the glory of The Living God!

Worship leader

Natalie is passionate about the love and power of Jesus and seeing His people come to experience the love, freedom, and newness of life found in knowing Him.
Natalie serves alongside Tiffany ministering at retreats and worship gatherings, and is part of the worship community at her local church.

“My desire is for God's people to be who they were created to be.”

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