Photo: Morning Star News
Christians in Pakistan frequently face false accusations from community members and authorities. In a recent case on May 29th, such an allegation resulted in the death of a 24-year-old Christian. According to relatives, Waqas Masih was assisting his uncle with a construction project when police approached on the pretence of drugs.
The three involved police officers, who were known for blackmailing the poor, demanded money from the uncle, Saleem Masih. As a heated argument ensued and threats were made against all present, Wasaq panicked and fled. The officers chased after him. By the time his family arrived, the officers had already caught up to Wasaq and beaten him to death. The police claim that he had simply fallen.
According to the family, authorities pressured them to drop their testimony against the officers, even offering them money. A case was registered against the three constables who were taken into custody, but no official charges have been laid. A post-mortem exam has been ordered to determine the cause of death.
To view more information on issues facing Christians in Pakistan, including video reports, go to our Pakistan Country Report.
Please remember the deceased young man's family, as they not only grieve this tragic loss but also try to stand for what is right in the midst of their pain. Pray that the truth will come out and that those responsible will be held to account for their crime. Intercede for the safety of other Christians throughout Pakistan, including those who've been falsely imprisoned.