Christian Beaten to Death by Police
Photo: Morning Star NewsChristians in Pakistan frequently face false accusations from community members and authorities. In a recent case on May 29th, such an allegation resulted in the death of a 24-year-old Christian. According to relatives, Waqas Masih was assisting his uncle with a construction project when police approached on the pretence of drugs.
The three involved police officers, who were known for blackmailing the poor, demanded money from the uncle, Saleem Masih. As a heated argument ensued and threats were made against all present, Wasaq panicked and fled. The officers chased after him. By the time his family arrived, the officers had already caught up to Wasaq and beaten him to death. The police claim that he had simply fallen.
Church Growth Challenged by New Dangers
Nepali believers are determined
to remain faithful to the Lord.
Photo: International Mission BoardFor the past several years, the church in Nepal has been growing at a significant rate. Christians have shown the love of Christ by caring for orphans, fighting human trafficking, and providing necessary job training. Recognizing the benefits, even the communist government requested assistance from the church.
Two Churches Re-Open Despite Continual Pressure
The church of Ait-Mellikeche.
Photo: World Watch MonitorAlgerian Christians are grateful to God that two recently closed churches in Oran Province have been permitted to re-open. The churches were closed by authorities in November 2017 and February 2018. For reasons yet unknown, the governor signed an order authorizing the unconditional re-opening on June 10th.