A red heart-shaped puzzle has one piece missing. A stethoscope is arranged over the puzzle.
A red heart-shaped puzzle has one piece missing. A stethoscope is arranged over the puzzle.

Heart Murmur

“O Holy Spirit, descend plentifully into my heart. Enlighten the dark corners
of this neglected dwelling and scatter there Thy cheerful beams.”
~ Augustine of Hippo

I was in my late teens when our family physician discovered that I had developed a heart murmur. He did not seem concerned and explained that many healthy children can develop this condition, which often tends to occur after a rapid growth spurt. Still, the doctor assured me that most children eventually outgrow it as they reach adulthood. Therefore, the term “innocent” is medically used to describe these murmurs since no long-term heart conditions nor any other serious medical concerns are associated with them.

An hourglass is nearly out of sand. A Bible is open just behind the hourglass.
An hourglass is nearly out of sand. A Bible is open just behind the hourglass.

Offering a Heart of Wisdom

The following testimony is part of a report that was sent to the staff of VOMC’s International Ministry department. This compelling read provides a unique perspective of the perseverance and resilience demonstrated by those whom this ministry serves.

A wood desk has a pair of glasses, a small globe, a cup of coffee, and small plant, and a list for 2024 that reads, "Pray for the persecuted, Join a Bible study group, Reach out to my neighbours, Support global missions, and Make healthier choices."
A wood desk has a pair of glasses, a small globe, a cup of coffee, and small plant, and a list for 2024 that reads, "Pray for the persecuted, Join a Bible study group, Reach out to my neighbours, Support global missions, and Make healthier choices."


“Resolution One: I will live for God.
Resolution Two: If no one else does, I still will.
~ Jonathan Edwards

The word “resolution” has become closely linked to the beginning of each new year; a time when people are prone to ponder what has passed after one year ends and speculate about what lies ahead. When negative aspects of the previous year come into view, resolutions are made to assert that the past will not control the future. In this sense of the word, Noah Webster describes a “resolution” as a “fixed purpose or determination of mind; as a resolution to reform our lives; a resolution to undertake an expedition.”1

A mountain path follows the ridge of a mountain and the sun sits just above the horizon.
A mountain path follows the ridge of a mountain and the sun sits just above the horizon.

Go Tell!

“Go tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere;
go tell it on the mountain, that Jesus Christ is born.”

~ John W. Work Jr. (Music Adaptor)

It can be demoralizing when good news is met with indifference. Just ask the shepherds who found the Christ Child lying in a manger, as the angel of the Lord had told them. Having seen Jesus, they couldn’t keep what they had witnessed to themselves. They were compelled to go and tell others the wonderful news that the long-awaited Messiah had finally come!

“And they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the
Baby lying in a manger. And when they saw it, they made known
the saying that had been told them concerning this Child.
And all who heard it wondered at what the shepherds told them.”
Luke 2:16-18 ESV

A person is walking up a long flight of stairs. The sun is shining brightly on the second floor.
A person is walking up a long flight of stairs. The sun is shining brightly on the second floor.

Heart Health Challenge

“As in water face reflects face,
so the heart of man reflects the man.”
~ Proverbs 27:19 ESV

A new year is quickly approaching, and for the staff at VOMC, the 2024 Heart Health Challenge is about to begin! Our inspiration comes from Proverbs 4:23, which says, “Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life” (AMP). Maintaining a healthy heart is not just a spiritual practice, but a physical one too. With this in mind, each of our VOMC staff members have committed to engaging in activities during the coming year that will cultivate a healthy heart.

A man is drawing the pattern of a heartbeat. It forms the shape of a heart.
A man is drawing the pattern of a heartbeat. It forms the shape of a heart.

Heart Health

“Watch over your heart with all diligence,

for from it flow the springs of life.”
~ Proverbs 4:23 AMP

During a recent time of devotions and prayer, the Lord guided me to Proverbs 4:23. This verse instructs us on the importance of maintaining a healthy heart. Spiritually, “the heart” refers to one’s inner life – mind, thoughts, motives and desires. If the heart is healthy, what springs from it will be pure. A pure-hearted person has wholesome motives, holy thoughts, and a clean conscience before God.