South Sudan News

  • Christians Killed in Church Attack


    South Sudanese children
    Pray that Sudanese of all ages will
    experience the joy of freedom.
    Photo: Wikipedia / Karl Grobl,
    Education Development Center Inc.

    At least 23 people were killed and 20 wounded when unidentified gunmen stormed an Anglican church in the village of Makol Cheui on July 27th. After killing the church's deacon, along with women and children who had sought refuge in the church compound, they vandalized the church, destroying worship instruments.

  • Helping Christians in the Midst of Violence
    VOMC purchased a motorcycle for our partners in South Sudan
    Photo: GRN Connect

    In the midst of ethnic and political tensions, our Christian family in Sudan and South Sudan is facing great risk and opposition. This area of the world is also coping with such issues as ongoing internal conflict, poverty, hunger and natural disasters.

    Since South Sudan's secession from Sudan in 2011, believers in both countries have faced increased harassment, arrests and persecution. No longer considered "citizens" of Sudan, many South Sudanese are still stranded in the north due to job loss, poverty, transportation limitations and conflict in South Sudan. Some officials have reportedly threatened to kill South Sudanese Christians who do not leave or those not willing to co-operate in the effort to locate other believers.

    In Sudan, followers of Christ are under pressure from a regime that wants to extend a strict form of Sharia or Islamic law. Property has also been seized from churches on the pretext that it belongs to South Sudanese who are no longer citizens of the country, while other churches have been bulldozed. Many Sudanese have been displaced, and now live as refugees with inadequate access to food, water and shelter.

    With your support, VOMC strives to address the spiritual and practical needs of our persecuted family. We have provided Bibles to our ministering partners in Sudan for distribution among believers and those seeking to know Christ, as well as medicines and other medical supplies to those in need. Additionally, a motorcycle was just recently purchased for our partners working among the South Sudanese.

    Trusting that God is working for the good of His children in Sudan and South Sudan, let us rejoice over the many ways in which He is using the church to spread His light amid violence and uncertainty. Pray that the church in South Sudan will be able to take a lead in shaping their country, the world's youngest nation. Ask that the Lord will make a way for those Christians in Sudan who are still trying to get to South Sudan, granting peace along the border between these two countries. In addition to raising up VOMC ministry partners who are willing to work diligently in this area of the world, may God provide for their every need and sustain them as they follow Him at great risk. Please remember to continue interceding for the suffering members of the church...that they will stand strong, serving as powerful examples of God's grace and forgiveness.