experience the joy of freedom.
Photo: Wikipedia / Karl Grobl,
Education Development Center Inc.
At least 23 people were killed and 20 wounded when unidentified gunmen stormed an Anglican church in the village of Makol Cheui on July 27th. After killing the church's deacon, along with women and children who had sought refuge in the church compound, they vandalized the church, destroying worship instruments.
After killing the people of the church, the attackers moved throughout the village. When they finished their slaughter of innocent lives, the village was burned to the ground. Initially, six people were missing, and six children had been abducted. However, their bodies were later found in the bush.
Warring factions in South Sudan have created an extremely unstable situation. While 90 percent of Jonglei State would identify themselves as Christians, the overall population consists of many different ethnic groups. Among these groups are also those who oppose Christianity. Hundreds have died in the violence between the various groups. Attacks such as this risk jeopardizing ongoing peace talks within the country, in attempts to end the civil war.
Speaking about this situation, as well as another attack in which an archdeacon and three pastors were killed in the village of Jalle, Bishop Moses Anur Ayom gave the following statement: "I am not happy about this issue of killing and destroying churches. I would like to appeal to the international community to intervene. As a church leader, I forgive the gunmen. The Bible says we have to forgive those who do wrong to us."
Please pray that God's love and peace will prevail in this very troubled nation. Also prayerfully uphold the church leaders who are seeking to provide guidance to their people. May the perpetrators responsible for these recent attacks realize the gravity of their sin and come to Christ in genuine repentance, seeking the forgiveness that only He can provide and ultimately surrendering their lives to Him.